Eight Broken Strings Pt.2

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Jin Ling stared at the newly revived Sizhui. Four years he's waited for this. Four years he's waited to be with Sizhui again.

"Sect Leader Jin why are you in the Cloud Recesses?" There was no question now. This was definitely Sizhui. The manner he was dressed, the way he addressed Jin Ling. Jingyi would never do anything remotely like this. He didn't believe Wei Wuxian when he was told Sizhui was inhabiting Jingyi's body after a sacrifice ritual. But after this it was impossible to not believe the Yiling Patriarch's words.

"To see you of course. Do you know how much I missed you these past four years?" Jin Ling walked up to Sizhui, pulling him into a tight hug. The older boy hesitated to hug back, but did eventually as formally as possible.

The warmth of Sizhui's hug, it was something Jin Ling thought he would never feel it again. It felt safe. He gasped as he felt the warmth slip from him as Sizhui pulled out of the hug.

"Sect Leader Jin are you feeling alright? I don't remember you as the type of person to hug others."

"I'm not. I just like hugging my boyfriend." Sizhui tilted his head. Jin Ling had a boyfriend? He was a cut sleeve?

He pointed at Jingyi's body. "Jingyi?"

"No! I mean you!"

The older boy flushed red. "Me??" Jin Ling's eyes widened in shock. Sizhui doesn't remember their love. He forgot after four years? No he always responded to Inquiry almost immediately. The cause of his death was even because of their love.

"Y-You don't remember..?"

"I'm afraid not. Since my revival I seemed to not remember some aspects to my life when I was alive." Jin Ling grabbed Sizhui by the shoulders.

"Then I'll help you remember! No matter how long it takes." Sizhui blinked a few times before giving a gentle smile that made Jin Ling's heart skip a few beats.

"I apologize for inconveniencing you then Sect Leader Jin."


Sizhui wasn't sure how it happened but he ended up moving into Jinlin Tower in Jin Ling's room. Jin Ling had made the argument that it'll be easier to help him remember if they were living together in Lanling since Jin Ling is still a sect leader that had duties to fulfill.

To pass time between when they were together the model student studied what he missed the years he was dead. When Jin Ling came back from what seemed to be a stressful meeting Sizhui would play the Guqin for him. It always calmed the younger boy immediately.

Every time Jin Ling was free for a extended period of time the vermillion marked boy took Sizhui to someplace they supposedly shared memories of it could help the older boy remember his past life. This time the two found themselves on a boat in a remote part of the Lotus Pier.

"Do you remember this part of the Lotus Pier? You stole my first kiss here." Sizhui shook his head much to Jin Ling's disappointment.

"Jin Ling you really don't need to do all this. I'm fine with not remembering everything from my past life." Jin Ling snapped his head towards the older boy.

"Well I'm not! We made a lot of memories that are precious and I can't stand the idea of you forgetting them." Sizhui placed a gentle hand on Jin Ling's shoulder, not feeling close enough yet or in love to hug or kiss his former lover.

"It's alright, we can always make new ones." He stated with a gentle smile. There it was again. The gentle smile that Jin Ling fell for years ago. Even on Jingyi's body it was beautiful and unique like back in Sizhui's body. The vermillion marked boy couldn't hold himself back anymore, pushing Sizhui onto his back so he was above him. The older boy had done the same to Jin Ling when his virgin kiss was taken.

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