Here for You

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I will try my best to make this a fluff

"Ah!" Jin Ling tripped over the root on the ground. How embarrassing! Thank god Jingyi didn't participate in tonight's night hunt or he would never be able to live this down.

"A-Ling are you alright?" The older boy turned around at the sound of someone falling over.

"I'm fine—" His expression twisted in pain as he attempted to get up. Instead of standing up he toppled back over. It hurts! His ankle hurts! In the midst of his pain Jin Ling reached his arms out towards Sizhui, his face red. "Carry me."

Sizhui was taken back by the demand. "A-Ling I must've heard you wrong.. I could've sworn you just said to Carry you.." He never let Sizhui carry him.

"No You heard correctly. Lan Disciples have abnormally strong arm strength right? So carrying me shouldn't be a problem." Sizhui opened his mouth but closed it upon finding he didn't have a good argument against Jin Ling's reasoning. The older boy bent down placing a arm under Jin Ling's legs and the other on his back

Feeling arms hold onto him and keeping a steady hold, Sizhui stood up. Jin Ling.. Jin Ling was alarmingly light even if he didn't grow up on the Lan Upbringing he probably could've still carried him.

"Hold tight A-Ling."

"Yeah, Yeah let's just hurry back." Sizhui started sprinting back to the Cloud recesses causing Jin Ling to hold onto the older boy to a point where he was practically hugging him.

While Sizhui was only thinking about getting Jin Ling medical attention Jin Ling, now that he was hugging Sizhui he was realizing how muscular the older boy was underneath the loose robes. Truly a Lan.


"Please be more careful next time." Sizhui carefully wrapped the splint around Jin Ling's right ankle.

"It was the tree root's fault."

"A-Ling how old are you? Still blaming inanimate objects instead of simply stepping over it." Jin Ling scoffed looking away. Sizhui frowned at this response. "A-Ling.... Don't make me punish you tonight..."

That got Jin Ling thinking straight.

"Alright alright! I'll be more careful next time!" He shivered thinking back at last time Sizhui punished him. The younger boy couldn't walk for a week and had to be carried. He could still remember how numb his lower half was that week.

"Good. I'm gonna head back to my room now, have a good night A-Ling." The Lan disciple moved to leave the room.

"Hold it." Sizhui stopped turning around and looking back at his lover.

"What is it?"

"Stay with me in my room tonight." A smile slowly grew on Sizhui's face. Jin Ling's face flushed red realizing what the older boy was thinking. "It's not what you think! It's so tomorrow I can actually get dressed and so I can change into my night robes. It's really hard changing robes with a twisted ankle."

Sizhui blinked a few times. "So you want me to help you change?"

"I—" Jin Ling's face seemed to have no limit how red it could be. "Y-Yes! Now get over here and help me!"

LanSizhui x JinLing OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now