Eight Broken Strings Pt.3

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"A-Ling..." The Sect Leader shifted in his sleep, opening his eyes to look at the boy in his arms. His arms were wrapped around the Sizhui's slender waist not letting go till morning. Being the one to do the spooning felt pretty great in comparison to being spooned.

"What is it A-Yuan?"

"Are you ever gonna tell me how I died?"

"No. Never."

"Why not?" The gray eyed boy looked over his shoulder to be greeted by a sweet yet gentle kiss. The half asleep face of his lover almost sent his heart flying. He had gotten into the lover act to try to wring his death out of Jin Ling but it ended up being more than a mere act. After a week it felt so real.. so.. warm. He stopped telling himself he wasn't in love after a few months.

"Because it hurts to remember that day. Go back to sleep A-Yuan. I'll be here when you wake up." Jin Ling tightened his grip, bringing the two even closer together. Defeatedly Sizhui leaned into the hug, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.


Sizhui woke up to the sound of knocking. He moved to answer it over to be stopped by the arms wrapped around his waist.

"Go back to sleep A-Yuan.. Let's cuddle longer.." The younger boy drowsily muttered, still mostly asleep.

The knocking persisted.

"A-Ling there's someone at the door.." Jin Ling sat up with his arms still around his lover annoyed. He got up, keeping a arm around the shorter boy's waist making his way to the door slamming it open.

"What do you want??" He demanded angrily. It was very obvious he got his attitude problem from his uncle.

"Sect Leader Jin.. Sect Leader Jiang is here." This immediately snapped Jin Ling awake. He frantically went back inside the room to change.

"Tell JiuJiu I'll be there in 5 minutes!" The Sect Leader called behind him. Sizhui was placed on the bed as Jin Ling quickly stripped and tossed on his robes, ultimately tripping and falling over. The older boy got up worriedly kneeling down next to the fallen boy.

"Are you okay? Would you like help?" The Lan asked, receiving a nod as a answer.

Sizhui helped Jin Ling up, fixing his robes which were layered the wrong way along with brushing and tying back his hair. As Sizhui took care of his appearance Jin Ling calmed down, giving the older boy small peck on the lips as thanks.

"Have a good time with your uncle." Sizhui commented as a extra layer of reassurance. Jin Ling smiled.

"I will, see you soon." And which that Jin Ling left the room leaving Sizhui alone to his own thoughts. After being in Jin Ling's constant company he didn't know what to do. He had caught up on all the material he missed over the past few years, refined his cultivation skills and all that was left now was for him to figure out how he died.

Jin Ling obviously didn't want him to know. Perhaps it would be best to think about it another day. Changing into his Lan sect uniform Sizhui made his way down the hall to hear a certain sect leader scolding his nephew.

"What do you mean he doesn't even remember how he died?!" Sizhui stiffened outside the door. He shouldn't be eavesdropping. But they were surely talking about him were they not?

"Isn't it a good thing?! Who would want to know how they died?!"

"No! The fact that YOU'RE the one keeping it from him is even worse! It was your fault he died after all!" Sizhui's eyes widened, tears welling up. A-Ling caused his death? Weren't they in love? Why would he do such a thing?

Was... Was he lying when he said it hurt him to remember that day? Was he lying when he said he was happy to see him again? How much was actually the truth...?

As all these thoughts and questions ran through his head, the scolding inside continued.

"Now! I want you to march back to your room and tell Lan Sizhui exactly how he died and why!"

"No way! Why would I do such a thing—" Jin Ling slammed opened the door to return to the room he left Sizhui in when he saw the very boy standing outside the door. Eyes wide and tears streaming down his face. Jin Ling felt his heart shatter seeing A-Yuan cry. "How.. How much did you hear...?" Sizhui quietly wiped the tears for more to take its place, taking a deep breath he shakily answered.

"Enough to know I should take my leave... Have a good day Sect Leader Jin." Before Jin Ling could properly respond Sizhui pulled out his sword getting on it and quickly flying away from Lanling. The Young Sect Leader fell to his knees as he lost Sizhui a second time. Only to be yanked back up by his uncle.

"What are you doing moping around? If you truly don't want to lose him chase after him—" He lectured. Jin Ling looked at his uncle with a pitiful expression he hasn't shown since he was a child. It was the look he had when he figured out what gone really meant. When he realized it was truly impossible to see his parents again. Jiang Cheng felt his heart drop seeing his nephew break down like this. "I'll send a message to Sect Leader Lan to keep a eye out for Lan Sizhui.. You'll get your lover back alright?"

Jin Ling only responded with a a silent nod, quiet tears rolling down his face.


"A-Yuan calm down.. I can't understand what you're trying to say if you're talking through tears..." Wei Wuxian lightly hugged his adoptive son in his arms, his robes were surely covered with tears and snot but Lan Zhan can deal with that later.

He wasn't sure what happened other than A-Yuan came back to Gusu out of the blue crying. He initially asked if something happened between him and Jin Ling but that only made the boy cry harder. Now he found himself like a mother comforting her daughter after a bad breakup. He really was the wife in the marriage.

"Wei Ying. I heard crying what's wrong?—" The twin jade stopped at the doorway upon seeing Shizui. For a moment he didn't do anything out of shock but then he rushed forward sitting on the other side of his son. "What happened?"

"I'm not sure, A-Yuan suddenly came home crying. He hasn't stopped crying long enough to explain what has caused him such sadness." Lan Zhan took Sizhui from Wei Ying's arms and held him against his heart.

"Listen to my heartbeat and calm down." The cultivator has done this when Sizhui was a child to calm him down with a 100% success rate. Sure enough about a minute of listening to the heartbeats the young adult slowly calm down, his cries softening to nothing and his eyelids closing till he fell asleep.

And I'll leave it here for now. I really honestly started this mini oneshot series thinking it was gonna be short but I guess it's gonna keep going with the power of angst.

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