The Journal of Lan Jingyi

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I have this headcanon that all Lan disciples keep a journal to enhance their spirituality(this is based off of what I read about dream journals)

Entry 54

Sizhui's been going with Senior Wei to Yunmeng a lot recently. He never tells me why so I have to assume he's been going to see where his adoptive mother grew up. Everytime he come back he seems happier so I guess he likes it. Hopefully not enough to move there.

Entry 61

Sizhui started to join Zewu-Jun on his trips to Jinlin Tower. Once again no explanation to why. His intentions are unreadable despite us growing up together. What is he keeping secret? Maybe I should ask to go along next time.

Entry 80

Young Mistress Jin joined us for Lan Qiren's lessons. Him and several other junior cultivators were invited to study at Gusu, it's going to be a busy year.

Entry 85

I saw Sizhui on his way out of bathing area when I noticed several red marks on the crook of his neck to his chest. I don't remember him having any allergies. Come to think of it Senior Wei almost always had a similar mark on him especially after his wedding anniversary.

Entry 86

I asked Senior Wei about the marks and he said they were hickeys or what he prefers to call them, Love Kisses. According to him Hanguang-Jun bites him a lot and those are what caused the hickeys. That means someone is biting Sizhui. Wonder who.

Entry 87

I asked every female in the cloud recesses if they bit Sizhui. Either they're not confessing or the culprit is in another sect. It's likely the ladder.

Entry 129

Okay! There is no possible way it's someone outside the Gusu! Sizhui hasn't left the Cloud recesses for over a month and not only did his marks not fade there are even more! You can see them just barely poking out from under his uniform. For Heaven's sake, who is his lover?!

Entry 445

IT WAS JIN LING?! The school year ended today. And before the Jin sect headed back Jin Ling kissed Sizhui on the lips, in front of everyone in the cloud recesses. Then Sizhui kissed back then said to save it for the bedroom. I had practically forgotten he had a secret lover till today! Everything makes so much sense now! The trips to Yunmeng and Lanling, none of the females knowing anything, the love bites on Sizhui. Dear god I was oblivious!

Who knew Young Mistress Jin Ling and Top Student Sizhui were both cut sleeves. Come to think of it almost all the cut sleeves known are genius cultivators. Maybe I should become a cut sleeve.

Entry 2270

Sizhui is a now Lady Jin, I'm not sure whether that's a insult because of his gender or a honor for him but I have a striking feeling he is more than thrilled. His and Jin Ling's wedding was today. For months he hasn't stopped talking about it. Senior Wei, Hanguang-Jun, Zewu-Jun and Sect Leader Jiang has been busy since the engagement to make sure everything would be perfect. Now I'm not sure how it happened but I ended up being the head bridesmaid next to the best man Fairy. Other than that it was a very joyous occasion. It was as happy as Senior Wei and Hanguang-Jun's wedding day.

(M-Preg warning: If you don't like that kind of stuff skip the next entry)

Entry 3567

Sizhui's pregnant?! I always thought the one to be bearing a child would be Young Mistress Jin but for Sizhui to be the one bearing. The pure joy on his and Jin Ling's face when they told me the news. I have to admit I'm a bit jealous. Ah I wish I will find love like theirs someday. Till then I will support their love with all my might.

Entry 3874

The one month anniversary for Young Master Jin is today. I got the Young Master a blanket with the Gusu cloud patterns sewn in. Granted I was never the best at sewing but I did my best and I think it came out rather well.

The baby was so small! You could definitely see the resemblance to his parents. He had Sizhui's eyes and Jin Ling's nose. The way Jin Ling held Young Master Jin was very protective, like he was scared what happened to him would happen to his son. I'm sure nothing of the sort would ever.


"Jingyi jiujiu! Jingyi jiujiu!"

Jingyi closed his journal and looked at the toddler sitting next to him. On the child's forehead was the Jin sect vermillion mark, his hair was tied back with a golden crown resembling the Gusu clouds and the ribbon was a Gusu forehead ribbon with the signature cloud pattern. His dark gray gentle eyes were looked up at Jingyi curiously.

"What is it A-Xing?"

"What were you reading?"

"Something I wrote a long time ago."

"Can I read it?" Jingyi gave the future sect leader a cheeky smile, holding a finger in front of his own mouth as if he is shushing someone.

"It's very private, I can't let anyone especially someone so young read it." The young child's face puffed up like he was about to throw a tantrum.

"A-Xing, don't cause trouble for Jingyi." The two turned to see Sizhui walking over to them.

"Mama!" Jin Xing got up and ran over to his mother. In response Sizhui bent down and gently picked him up. He glanced over at his childhood friend noticing the journal in Jingyi's hand.

"You still write in your journal?" Jingyi nodded, giving a teasing smirk.

"Not everyone have such high spirituality that they can stop writing for the sake of their spirituality like Lady Jin." Sizhui's face flushed red with embarrassment.

"Well I— uh— Ahem. Won't you join us for lunch while you're here Jingyi? We'd love to have you over while you're in Lanling." The Young Master in his arms seemed to get excited over the suggestion.

"Join us! Join us!" Jingyi laughed at the toddler's enthusiasm.

"I'll join you for lunch." Jin Xing cheered happily as the three headed inside Jinlin Tower.

Awhile ago I made a son for Jin Ling and Sizhui which I didn't mean to add in this oneshot but it happened anyways. I know there are people that don't like stories that get non canon characters added so let me know if you're one of those people.

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