Dreams of You

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This is a AU where Wei Wuxian did not get hunted and killed.

Jin Ling felt like everything inside him just froze. In front of him stood a stranger from his dreams. In every dream the stranger appeared in he was always the yellow robed boy's lover. But the person in front of him was not like in his dreams.

In his dreams the individual was pure and elegant. Almost like an angel descending from the heavens. His expression was gentle and kind, just seeing it would calm the younger boy down.

But the current one on the stranger was not the expression he remembered. The person in front of him had the same face but his expression was cold and ruthless. He was dressed in dark clothing, nothing like the Lan sect uniform his dream counterpart wore.

"What business do you have here?" The older boy demanded, clearly annoyed by this interaction. His dark gray eyes stared into Jin Ling's bright brown ones. Despite the hostility, Jin Ling still felt this subconscious love for the boy he had never met before.

"My dog ran in and I'm trying to get him back—" The stranger suddenly grabbed the future sect leader's shoulders, shaking him.

"A dog?! In the burial mounds?! But Xian Gege's—" He didn't even finish the sentence when a sharp high pitched scream rang from inside Yiling. The stranger immediately let go of Jin Ling and bolted inside towards the source of the scream. A small crowd of those who did not participate in the night hunt had gathered at the building. Inside was the Yiling Patriarch, oh so masculinely clinging to a support beam to stay out of Fairy's reach.  The black and white dog jumped up and down barking at the man, wagging its tail cheerfully as it did so.

Jin Ling and the stranger arrived at the scene, much to the Demonic Cultivator's dismay and relief. Jin Ling bent down next to Fairy, telling the Dog to go outside and wait for him as the stranger helped Wei Wuxian down.

"Xian Gege are you alright?" The teenager boy asked his adoptive parent once the dog was gone.

"I'm fine A-Yuan, thank you for your concern." Wei Wuxian turned his attention towards Jin Ling. His expression shifted to be much more cheerful. "A-Ling! You finally visited for once! How's Jiang Cheng? As grumpy as ever I bet. Oh! You should meet A-Yuan. I think you would make great friends.

"Xian Gege—" Wen Yuan started only to be cut off, being urged out with Jin Ling by his side. Within less than a minute the teenager found himself outside with the person he was trying to drive out of the burial mounds minutes ago.

It was a few minutes of silence, Jin Ling awkwardly cleared his throat. "So you're A-Yuan—"

"Don't call me A-Yuan like we're close. Why are you acting friendly anyways? The Jin Sect hates Wendogs and in case you haven't noticed. I'm a Wen. So if you don't mind Get out—"

"Yuan Gege." A child was tugging on Wen Yuan's clothing, getting his attention. Wen Yuan's expression softened as he looked down at the child. Jin Ling could've sworn for second he saw the same person from his dream. "Yuan Gege, can I play with doggy?" The child asked, earning a hesitant expression from Wen Yuan.

Jin Ling squatted down so he was at the child's level. "Fairy would love to play with you."

Wen Yuan was about to reject when he saw the bright smile on the child's face. Defeatedly, he agreed of babysitting with Jin Ling.

LanSizhui x JinLing OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now