The Prince

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"A rebellion?" Jin Ling could not believe what he just heard, he always thought he was rather good ruler since his uncle's death. The citizens rebelling was the last thing to expect for the young prince.

"Yes your highness, Due to the last King's antics the citizens are conspiring to rebel under the assumption you'll be like the last King." Ah.

"Is there any leads to prevent it?"

"Yes, The rebels are claiming the Prince of the People can rule once you're off the throne."

"Find this person and throw them in the dungeon." He really did not want to execute anyone but his coronation hasn't even occurred and there was already a rebellion. It was unfair.


A week had passed and no one had found the supposed Prince of the People. Frustrated, Jin Ling took things into his own hands. Dawning commoners robes he went into the city to find the supposed Prince of the People himself.

Without even asking anyone he heard all about the Prince. Long silky jet black hair, Dark Gray eyes that seemed to shine, Lastly a kind gentle smile with a courteous personality to match. Jin Ling really hated to admit it but the individual really did sound like a prince.

As he walked not paying attention to where he was going, for obvious reasons he walked into someone causing both parties to fall over.

"Watch where you're—" Jin Ling started only to trail off seeing the individual he bumped into. At a glance one could've mistaken him for a imperial god, even in commoners robes the individual practically radiated. "going...."

The boy got up and offered a hand to Jin Ling. "I apologize for bumping you." He apologized politely despite having absolutely no idea who he had just bumped into. Jin Ling still in shock at the beauty of the man in front of him accepted the help.

Sizhui had been out buying groceries when he accidentally walked into someone with a hooded cloak. The person's hair was a lighter hue than most Chinese causing Sizhui to mistake him for a foreigner for a moment. It doesn't matter who he is, Sizhui still offered a hand to help them regardless.

He wasn't sure how it started but everyone from his best friend to people he met on the street started calling him The Prince of the People. Although his father was once a part of the Lan Family but left to be with his mother who himself had left the Jiang family, it didn't make him a prince. He wasn't even related to his parents by blood. From what he was told his birth parents were killed during the onslaught of the Wen Family, then his remaining relatives went to the Jin royal family and begged for punishment due to his uncle killing the crown prince.

Apparently his adoptive father and mother found him in a alleyway during a blizzard alone and half dead. Feeling pity for him, they took him in as their son. He always felt indebted to them deep inside because of this.

"Are you alright?" He asked only to be answered with a short-

"I'm fine." Sizhui was about to continue on his way when he noticed a red mark on the younger person's forehead. He didn't mean to ask but the words just fell out of his mouth on it's own.

"Is that..?—"

Jin Ling immediately bolted down the street hearing those words. He saw the vermillion mark! He's gonna tell everyone I'm outside the castle! I'm gonna get killed by the commoners!

He didn't know how long he ran for but by the time he stopped it felt like he had ran across the kingdom. His lungs felt like it was going to collapse inward. The young prince wanted to just go back to palace and rest for the day when some girls noticed his lighter than average hair.

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