Your Name(Lan Yuan)

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There was no gold or yellow in Caiyi town much less his room. And now here he was waking up in a overly decorated room with a shimmery yellow blanket and many other gold oriented furniture. Lan Yuan remember very clearly going to sleep in his usual white button up pajamas but now he was in a loose yellow T-shirt and brown shorts. And then his hair... It was short.

The Lan family had always been traditional. No one, not even the boys, cut their hair other than to get rid of split ends. Even his mother who married into the family had started to grow his hair out after the marriage.

He... He didn't know what to do with short hair..

"A-Ling! Did you sleep in? Why the hell are you still in your pajamas?? You're gonna be late! Your driver is outside waiting for you! Get out of bed and into the car in fifteen minutes or I'll break your legs!" A grumpy man in purple stood at the doorway. His expression made him look constipated and it was very difficult to imagine in any other form.

"Um I'm not—" Aaaaaannd the door was slammed shut. Ah well, it seems he has fifteen minutes to figure out where he was.

Hanging by a full length mirror was a short sleeved uniform with a yellow sweater vest and brown trousers. Whoever this room belonged to really liked these two colors. Making his way over to what he assumed to be his uniform, Lan Yuan finally got a look at what he looked like. He was very much not himself.

The boy had a lighter hair than him which he was 95% sure was dyed. His wide eyes were framed by a heart shaped face and complimented by a soft pink lips. If it weren't for the fact he could tell his genitals didn't change Lan Yuan might mistaken the person in the mirror for a girl.


"Coming! Coming! I'm coming!" Lan Yuan quickly changed into the uniform, much easier than the Gusu uniform he noted, heading out of the room into— a— a— a penthouse?!?!?! They were so high up! A line of windows lined one of the walls displaying an astounding view of a city skyline.

He couldn't help it, the urban sight so beautiful to his country boy eyes. So much so that he didn't notice a toast getting shoved into his mouth.

"What is wrong with you today? No arguing back? No dashing out the door with a quick bye? It's kinda nice." A messenger bag was dropped into his arms. "Stay that way, makes life a lot easier for your parents and teachers."

"Eh? Wait what school do I— go to..." How late was he?!?! The elevator ride was incredibly relaxing. Followed by the car ride and Lan Yuan got his fill of tourist hype.

He was dropped off in front of a enormous skyscraper that screamed rich kids school. He wasn't out of place externally but internally he really missed the humble school back home. Taking in a deep breath, Lan Yuan walked up the stairs into school.


Getting to class was a interesting experience. Students filled the hallways like penguins. He was amazed to somehow get into a classroom. And as it turns out it was the wrong classroom. By the time he got to the right class he was late.

Ah well..

"Jin Ling I'll give you one and only one chance to make up for your lateness or it's detention for you." H o p e. "In the English classic To Kill a Mockingbird, what does the quote 'You never truly really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it' mean?"

LanSizhui x JinLing OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now