Beyond Sight

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Crap! Crap! Crap! Jin Ling bolted across the wooden plank paths of the cloud recess. He was surely breaking the rule about no running by this point but who gives a damn right now.

Reaching his beloved's room, he slammed the door open. Everyone within the room looked over at the teenager, startled by his entrance. "Is he okay?!" Jin Ling asked worriedly, making his way over to the bed.

There sat Sizhui, a bandage was wrapped around his eyes and ears. He was looking around after hearing a muffled noise followed by a shout. He couldn't really tell which direction it came from nor who caused it. The noise level in the room returned to barely any anything again after the sudden outburst. The boy heard people conversing but he couldn't tell who it was nor the topic.

"His hearing is a bit unstable right now, too much loud noise and his hearing will be permanently unusable."

"And his sight?" The doctor hesitated to tell the vermillion marked boy. This only worried the teenager more.

"What about his sight?? It's gonna be alright right?? He'll just need to rest and it'll be back to normal, Tell me I'm right!—" He stopped upon feeling someone tug on his robe.

"Jin Ling.. That's you right?" Jin Ling immediately turned around and held onto Sizhui's hand.

"It's me. A-Yaun you're gonna be alright, you'll be back to normal in no time—" He felt a tear fall onto his hand.

"It's okay.. I'll just get used to living without sight.. I just wish.." More tears fell down from the injured boy's face. "I just wish... I could've seen your face one more time." Seeing his lover cry, Jin Ling felt his own eyes well up.

"A-Yaun I'm sorry. If I had just gone on the night hunt yesterday I would've been there to protect you."

"It's not your fault, it's mine for not being careful." They're grip on each other tightened as the silent weeping filled the room.

Four weeks have passed since Suzhui became blind. He now walked about the cloud recess by keeping his hand on a wall at all times or getting guided by someone. More often than not that someone is Jin Ling or one of his adoptive parents.

If not for the 4000 rules Sizhui would be made fun of or pushed around. Unfortunately for him not all disciples and associates followed the rules. When he found himself supposedly alone, the teenager would often feel himself getting shoved into the floor or people he couldn't recognize talking about him. Sizhui didn't tell anyone about this however as it wasn't like he knew who was bullying him.

When he got a bruise from a shove, he didn't notice that it wasn't covered by his robes thus getting the attention of his boyfriend.

Jin Ling took the bruised hand onto his own. "A-Yaun What is this?" Sizhui blinked a few times before tilting his head confused.

"Are you pointing at something?"

"There's a bruise on your hand." The boy explained. Sizhui blinked a few more times.

"Oh that bruise—" He winced as Jin Ling suddenly raised his voice.

"What do you mean 'Oh that bruise'?? You were aware of it?? What happened? I know you're careful enough to not trip." Sizhui thought about lying for a moment, but decided against it since there was no point nor could he think of a believable lie.

"Someone shoved me forward—" He heard what sounded like Jin Ling grabbing his sword.

"Who shoved you?!" Sizhui lightly moved his hand up and around the Vermillion marked boy searching for the hand on the sword, upon finding it he guided it away from the golden handle.

"I don't know. A-Ling It's alright, it's just a bruise—"

"You're not leaving my side from now. At night you're sleeping in my room, I'm walking you everywhere and we're bathing together. I don't care where or when, I'm not leaving you for even a second." He declared, holding Sizhui's hand close to himself.

"Jin Ling... That's really sweet but—"

"No buts." Sizhui figured it was futile to argue, and Jin Ling would grow tired of it soon enough. He was wrong.. very incorrect.

Over the course of the next several weeks Jin Ling refused to leave Sizhui alone, even skipping night hunts because Sizhui wasn't allowed to go. Jingyi was starting to find it infuriating how he was always alone during night hunts as such he attempted to drag Jin Ling with him for the next one only to be met with retaliation.

"I'm staying with Sizhui, Can't you handle going alone?"

"Can't you handle a few hours without him?? You've been clinging to him like he's a delicate maiden. Honestly it's getting rather ridiculous. I'm worried about him as well but I'm not babying him." Jingyi rebutted angrily, raising his voice close to breaking the rules.

"Well he is delicate! What if he get injured while I'm gone? What then?"

"He's not helpless, You're being paranoid." Sizhui felt obliged to speak up at this point. His best friend and lover were fighting over something that he should be deciding on his own.

"A-Yi I'll accompany you on the night hunt." Both boys ceased their arguing and stared wide eyed at the blind teenager. Jingyi had wanted company during the night hunt but he didn't mean Sizhui. Didn't Hanguang-Jun tell his adopted son to not participate in night hunts??

Jin Ling tightened his grip on Sizhui. "No way, your father even told you to not go on night hunts."

"I can handle myself. Jingyi wants someone to accompany him on night hunts and since you aren't going I can go." Jin Ling still hesitated on letting Sizhui go. "I'll be fine, just trust me alright?" He carefully pried himself out of his lover's hold and made his way over to a wall. The Blind boy had gotten used to using paces to remember where he put things. Coming to where he typically placed his Guqin.

Picking up the instrument he made his way back to his childhood friend via wall, after much searching he located and held onto Jingyi. "Let's go."

As the two Lan disciples left for the night hunt, Jin Ling was left alone for the first time in weeks. It felt colder than he remembered.

Aaaaaaaah I fell really bad for putting In Ling through this right after the Hanahaki oneshot. I'll probably make a part two of this so it can end happily. Probably.
I'll also write some where Sizhui is seme instead.

LanSizhui x JinLing OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now