Your Name(Extras)

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These are some scenes I thought off but didn't end up making the cut. I have four drafts for actual oneshots but I rewatched Your Name again and decided to write all the extra scenes down. They will not be in order


"Auntie Qing? Uncle Ning? Grandma?" Jin Ling's eyes snapped open. It was like he was underwater but not drowning. He was sinking deeper and deeper. On his right he saw a small boy walking through what appeared to be a house fire. "Where is everyone??"

The prepubescent who he now recognized as Lan Yuan started coughing. The smoke most likely the cause. "Grandma! A-Yuan is scared! Where are you?!" He fell past that scene only to see another.

"Lan Zhan! He has nowhere else to go! I'm not letting another child go through what I had to!"  Wei Ying held a sobbing A-Yuan in his arms, sitting on the ground glaring up at his husband. He was also crying.

"Wei Ying—"

"It's not up for discussion! Either we take him in or I go back to Yunmeng!"

"He's a Wen." Jin Ling's eyes widened at the revelation. He was shocked sure but in the end he still had to save him.

"I don't care!"

The scenes started flying by. Auditory and visuals flying past him.

"I like you... I like you..."

"He's burning up! What do we do?!"

"Rule 6 Do not walk too fast Rule 7 Do not sit in a disgraceful position Rule 8 Do not..."

"Very good A-Yuan. Next line."

And then he heard the dreaded line.

"A-Yuan is your lantern finished? It's gonna be dark soon. The comet will be at it's brightest today." The older boy left most of his hair down, braiding up the rest of it by with what Jin Ling noticed to be instead of his Lan a red ribbon.


"No..." His voice had started quiet but Jin Ling quickly rose his volume seeing Lan Yuan actually leave the house with the lantern. "Don't go! You have to get out there!"

The comet split, half of it tumbling towards Caiyi town. But Lan Yuan didn't move. He just stared horrified as tears ran down his face. "RUN! GET OUT OF THERE! LIVE! LAN YUAN!"

The older boy shut his eyes tight, letting his lantern float up towards the comet. "I'm sorry Jin Ling."

The younger boy shot up in a white simplistic room in a body not his own.


Long hair was a pain. Jin Ling had a feeling about that before but now he can definitely confirm it.

Split ends.


Hair getting stuck everywhere and blowing into your face during windy days.

All he did was looked down to eat and hair finds its way into his mouth.

Don't cut your hair. It's not your hair it's his hair. The Lan household rules...

Jin Ling's eyebrow twitched. He opened one of the bathroom drawers.


"A-Yuan what?!?!?!?!"

You edited 'Lan Yuan's Rules Yesterday'

Do not cut my hair!!❗️❗️❗️


"Miss... Miss..."

Lan Yuan has realized by now that he was a terrible archer. He was great a Guqin player, swordsman, tutor and a bunch of other things. But Archery was not one of them.

He also quickly realized that the other students like to bully Jin Ling when he supposedly missed.

"I think Jin Ling hit his head."

"Maybe he injured his hand."

"Or got possessed."

'Eh something like that.' He internally commented before deciding, 'Screw it let's see how this will go.' Closed his eyes. Pulled back the drawstring. And fired.


Ah, it seems Jin Ling's cousin now has a bald spot.


Jin Ling was bullied a lot. Lan Yuan figured this out almost right away. Jin Ling said to ignore the bullying.

"Look, Jin Ling isn't going to detention for once, it's a miracle."

"Just because his uncle runs the school he acts like he owns the place."

"His parents are barely around, Poor bastard without maternal love." Sizhui stopped in his place. Poor bastard without maternal love? Jiang Yanli always showed up. No matter how late it was, she would show by Jin Ling's side to tell him sweet dreams. Always had soup prepared for him to eat at school. From the photos he saw hanging around the penthouse, Jiang Yanli used to be there for Jin Ling all the time as baby.

How dare they call Jin Ling Poor Bastard without maternal love.

"Someone get a teacher! Jin Ling started a fight with Yang Feng!"


"How did the meeting with the Nie family go?"

"Like crap, the Nie CEO and my uncle were with a Lan."

"Oh come on it's not that bad. Remember how you visited the ruins of Caiyi Town in back in high school?" Of course he remembered. Ever since he came back even seeing the combination of white and blue would make him see someone with a gentle smile. But when he reached out it wasn't them.

"Whatever, I'm gonna head back now."

"In the snow? I thought your driver was coming to pick you up."

"Don't wanna wait, Cya."

As he walked through the snow covered streets of Lanling he paused as someone passed by. Their long hair tied up by a red ribbon.

Jin Ling turned out and started reaching a hand out towards them but he stopped. He didn't know why he stopped but he turned back around and continued home.

The person with the red ribbon turned around. His soft gray looked back at Jin Ling for a few brief moments before letting out a sigh and continuing down the block.

I've been having a block in a lot of things recently. Art block, writer block, It's really annoying, I'm gonna go back to trying to finish those four drafts now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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