The Red That Parts Us

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"Congratulations on the marriage, Sect Leader Jin and Lady Jin."

Sizhui never thought those words would leave his mouth. The person he loves was in front of him in bright red marriage robes. But he wasn't wearing it for him and instead for the maiden next to him. Don't get him wrong, Sizhui couldn't be more happy for Jin Ling for finding someone he would love enough to marry.

"Thank you Sizhui." Jin Ling felt sick to his bones, he didn't want this. He didn't love the woman clinging his arm. He loved Sizhui. How much he would give to tell the older boy that.

-A month earlier-

"What do you mean I have to marry her?!" Jin Ling shot up from his seat angrily.

"Sect Leader Jin, She's from a well known clan that has expressed interest in allying with our clan. With this alliance our sect's reputation would be restored—"

"Screw that! I can restore the sect's reputation without marrying someone I don't love!" Memories of Sizhui flashed through his head as he did all he could to reject the marriage.

"A-Ling.. Listen to the Elders, don't you think it's time to repair the Jin sect's reputation." The elders immediately latched on and agreed with Jiang Cheng's comment.

"Y-Yes! Sect Leader Jiang is right! We've all tolerated being ridiculed long enough. Sect Leader Jin you must accept this marriage, the fate of the sect hangs on this marriage." The Elders continued to add pressure and comments about the marriage saving the sect. All Jin Ling could do was stand there mortified as everyone in the room waited for him to say yes.

"Well Sect Leader Jin, what is your final decision?"

"I-I- I'll do it.."

-Present Time-

"Jin Ling, I need to talk to you in private about something." Jin Ling turned his attention towards Jingyi with a formal attitude. It was his wedding after all, can't get into a squabble right now.

"Of course." The red robed male followed Jingyi only to immediately be greeted with a hard slap to the face once they were alone.

"How could you do this to Sizhui?!" Jin Ling placed a hand tenderly on the red cheek. His eyes were wide and in shock.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Don't act like you don't know how he feels about you! Do you know how many nights he cried to sleep since finding out you were getting married?!" He grabbed Jin Ling's collar roughly and yanked him forward. "What do you have to say for yourself Young Mistress Jin?!"

Jin Ling was speechless. What did Jingyi mean by how Sizhui feels about him? Why would Sizhui cry after hearing he was getting married. Before he could ask what Jingyi meant, the hand around his collar loosened.

"Tch, that's what I thought." He let go completely.

"Jingyi, it's almost 9 pm. We need to turn in for the night." Jingyi turned his attention towards the Sizhui, who was standing at the ceremony hall entrance.

"I'll be right there." He looked back at Jin Ling with a look that said pure disgust if he ever saw one. Jin Ling stood there still in shock as Jingyi walked off.

That night his bride clung tightly to his arm insisting they sleep in the same bed, Jin Ling continuously rejected but he found himself laying down next to the female anyways. They didn't do anything but he felt guilty, like he was betraying his true feelings betraying Sizhui. By the time it was 3 AM Jin Ling realized he couldn't fall asleep and got up and headed to the lotus pond his father had planted for his mother.

The moonlight softly lit the pink petals. The water was slightly murky reflecting his emotions like it did to the moon. The lotus pond was always something that helped him sort out his feelings when he was lost or confused but it seemed this time it was just as confused as him.

The Sect Leader paused upon smelling incense. It was the middle of the night, who could possibly be awake at this time of night?

Jin Ling made his way over to the source of the incense. In the room was none other than Lan Sizhui, burning incense for Jin Ling's late parents. He was almost stunned for a moment. Usually on one's wedding the most beautiful sight is the bride but in Jin Ling's case the most beautiful sight for him was Sizhui, kneeling under the moonlight. His white robes almost glowing from the pale light, his long dark hair catching just enough light to compliment his naturally pale skin. It was a gorgeous sight for the young Sect Leader.

Sizhui had awoken late at night from nightmares of watching Jin Ling be with his bride in multiple happy occasions. Where in every single one all Sizhui could do was stand there and congratulate them. After he woke up the adopted Lan could not for the life of him fall back asleep. Since he couldn't fall asleep Sizhui went to burn some incense for Lady Jiang and Sect Leader Jin. When Sizhui finished he got up and saw Jin Ling standing at the entrance. All his feelings came rushing back, he wanted to break down and confess his love right there and then. But he stopped and restrained himself.

The older boy formally bowed towards his close friend.

"Good Evening Sect Leader Jin, I apologize for intruding." He apologized as if he was doing anything wrong. Sizhui made his way to leave when he felt someone tugging on his sleeve.

"Wait. Jingyi told me something earlier I want a explanation for."

"What is it?"

"What did he mean by how you feel about me?" Sizhui seemed to go even paler than before. How much did Jingyi tell him?? More importantly Jin Ling was married now, he can't tell a married man he loves him.

"There's no need to trouble yourself with it any longer, It's not important—"

"A-Yuan." Sizhui looked into Jin Ling's brown eyes. The mistake that was, he couldn't lie to Jin Ling now. "Jingyi said you cried because of it, please tell me why."

"I-I-" Defenses failing. "I..." Sizhui looked away face flushed red. "I love you Jin Ling.. I've loved you for a really long time.."

Jin Ling's face instantly matched his red robes. "Y-You do?? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Before I got married."

"I was scared you would reject me. You're a Sect Leader with a large amount of responsibility.. that and we're both male.." He trailed off feeling Jin Ling's hand tremble. "A-Ling?"

"Dammit A-Yuan why didn't you tell me before all this..." His legs slowly gave out and the younger boy dropped to his knees. "Then the other person in red would be you and not that woman in my bed..."

Sizhui kneeled down in front of Jin Ling. "But don't you love Lady Jin?—"

"You're so dense! I only married her because the elders pressured me to! The one I love is you! The only one I want to see next to me in red is you..."

"A-Ling.." The red robed boy wrapped his arms around Sizhui, pulling him into a hug. He leaned in next to the older boy's ear whispering.

"A-Yuan.. run away with me.. Away from Lanling from Gusu.. Away from the prying eyes of the cultivation world.." He pleaded. "If the price of being Sect Leader is to be unable to be with the one I love, Then I don't want to be Sect Leader."

"A-Ling are you sure? You've been preparing to be Sect Leader since we were teenagers. You'd be throwing all that away.."

"I'm aware and I don't care. As long as I'm with you."

Sizhui let out a small sigh before looking back at Jin Ling with a gentle smile.

"If that is what A-Ling wishes."

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