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Suihua's blade was covered in crimson red. The crisp white of the Gusu Lan uniform was stained with blood. The absolute horror on the surrounding disciples' and the seniors' faces. The anger and sadness on Jin Ling's as he stabbed his lover.

"Jin Ling What have you done?!" Jingyi cried, desperately trying to pull the gold handled sword out of Sizhui. Who himself was standing there in shock as blood spilled out of him.

"I'm getting revenge for the cultivators that died from the Wendogs!" Tears ran down his face as he remembered how if Wen Chao haven't tossed his Da shijui into the burial grounds Wen Ning wouldn't killed his father and his mother wouldn't have died on that battlefield in Nevernight, how the original Jiang Sect wouldn't have been wiped out and he would still have most of his grandparents.

"Stabbing Sizhui isn't getting revenge for anyone!"

"He's a Wen! All the Wens should be dead!" Jin Ling thrusted the sword deeper into Sizhui's abdomen causing the older boy to fall to his knees coughing out blood. His expression was shaky but calm as he looked up at Jin Ling.

"If Young Master Jin wishes for A-Yuan's death then please..." Sizhui pulled himself out from Suihua unsheathing his own sword and raising it to his neck. "Granting the least I can do to ease your grievance." He shakily said as his consciousness was drifting in and out.

Between all the watching disciples and his seniors darting towards him, Sizhui didn't see any of it. He only kept his gentle eyes on Jin Ling with his kind smile accompanied by silent tears. Heard none of the yelling or pleads to stop, only saying one last I love you before dragging the blade across his neck.


Sizhui slowly opened his eyes. For a moment he thought he was dead and in heaven when he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen alerting him that he was still very much still alive.

"Don't move yet. Your injury might open back up." Sizhui turned towards the source of the voice to see his adoptive parents. "If there weren't so many cultivators in Gusu you would've died."

"A-Yuan what were you thinking? Slitting your neck like that.. do you know how worry everyone was? And Jin Ling—"

"Please don't tell Jin Ling I'm alive..." The two looked back at the injured teenager confused. Jin Ling had cried apologies over and over after the incident. Begging Sizhui to forgive him to take back what he had said and done. Would it not be right for him to know that Sizhui will live? "His tears after I told him I was born a Wen. I... I don't ever want to see him like that again!" Lan Wangji was taken back up the scream. Ever since he started raising Sizhui like a Lan he has never broken a rule. Everyone breaks at least one rule but Sizhui had been the exception up to that day.

Just as Wei Ying was about to cut in his husband spoke up.

"He won't find out."

"Thank you..."


"Any news on A-Yuan?" Jin Ling asked his uncle who had recently returned from Gusu.

Jiang Cheng was informed of Sizhui's wish earlier during his visit. As he watched the teenager go through rehabilitation training the Sect Leader had brainstormed all possible way to answer Jin Ling's question when he returned. There was only answer that worked with what the Lan sect planned to do.

"He passed away from blood loss." Jin Ling felt like his heart had stopped. His legs gave out falling into his uncle's embrace. Tears rolled down the teenager's face.

"It's all my fault Jiujiu.. All because I wasn't strong enough to be there for him and tell him I don't care that he's a Wen.. and now he's gone.. what do I do now..." As Jiang Cheng listened to his nephew his heart ached to lie to Jin Ling. It took all his strength to not tell the truth, that Sizhui was alive and well. All he could do was be there and hope everything worked out in the end.

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