The Good Dare

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Notice:This takes place in a Modern AU because it's funnier for Jin Ling to be in a short skirt than something modest like robes

Jin Ling was gonna kill Jingyi.

His lower half felt exposed. He felt like any moment a wind could blow and expose his no no area.

How did girls live like this?!

Stupid dare! Stupid Jingyi!

The worst part of it was.. the class actually thought he was a girl. And in order to keep his dignity Jin Ling lied saying he was his own younger sister, which honestly isn't that unbelievable considering how much his parents loves each other, while Jingyi snickered from his seat.

All it took was a bit of light makeup, a female uniform and hair extensions?! Really?!

He didn't like the looks he was getting. It grossed him out.

Sizhui silently stared at the crowd gathering around Jin Ling's desk. He was conflicted about the dare.

On one hand Jin Ling looked adorable. On the other...(I'm gonna leave this unanswered and let your imaginations go wild)

The Student Body President flushed red, burying his face in his arms, upset he let such a thought that crossed his mind. Immediately some female students swarmed his desk asking what's wrong.

"Student Jin! I know we just met but would you like to go on a date with me afterschool?!"

"I already have plans—"

"It can't be that important!"

Sizhui shot up making his way through the crowd around his desk and to Jin Ling. Standing behind Jin Ling, he flashed a lowly demonic smile at the other male students.

"Her plans afterschool are with me. Class is starting to soon so I suggest you all quickly return to your own seats. Away. From Student Jin." He threatened, the annoyances quickly rushing back to their seats in fear.

After the class returned to their normal groups Sizhui looked down at the boy sitting in front of him.

"Are you alright A-Ling?" He whispered, not noticing the red tips of Jin Ling's ears.

'Her plans afterschool are with me' ?! Pardon?! That makes it sound like they're going on a date!

It's not like Jin Ling would've been against it... But still!

Sizhui was pretty worried when Jin Ling didn't respond but had no time to question it when He heard the bell ring. The teenager hurried back to his seat, Not even his grandson dares to face Lan Qiren's wrath.


"I can't believe you! You were serious?!" Jin Ling screeched at the older boy. Sizhui's left cheek now possessed a red stingy hand print from a slap caused by the cross dressing teenager.

"Of course I was. If we didn't do this then if even one student sees us not together after school, they'll figure out that I made it up on the spot. Would you have rather one of the other more perverted student be here with you instead?" Jin Ling's face paled at the thought of being a supposed date with anyone other at Sizhui.

"No! You're fine!  Let's just get this other with!" He declared, dragging Sizhui into the shopping district.




Jin Ling enjoyed the fake date more than he thought he would've. It wasn't like he didn't want to go on a date with Sizhui. No he really wanted to even before the dare. In a way he was almost happy that the dare happened.

LanSizhui x JinLing OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now