Part 2

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"Eomma, goodmorning!" I greeted my mother who is currently preparing boxes of rice cakes for my morning delivery. I handed to her an envelope with the money she needed to pay for our rent.

Eomma get it and looks inside. She gave me a look, "Is this Namjoons?"

I nodded, "It's okay eomma. We need it."

"But it's too much. Namjoon already helped us a lot." Eomma really is a very humble woman.

"That's nothing for Namjoon. Actually, if I ask him to buy this house, I think he would right away." I teased.

"Aish Seokjin!!!"

I laughed at Eomma's reaction. "I'm just kidding. I will not do that. But now, you need to give that to Mr. Angry Grumpy old man so he will not come here and ruin our day. Is that okay, mother?"

"Don't call Mr. Lee like that. He's just doing business." My eomma. Why is she so pure?

"Don't worry too much from now on. I will try to apply for a better job. Namjoon said KTH have job openings. I'll try and submit my resume." I assured my mother.

"KTH? Really Jinnie? Wow! I'm excited for you." My eomma's face turned so bright and excited.

"Eomma, please don't over react yet. My resume is still with me. But I will email it today." I didn't mean to pop eomma's happy bubbles.

"Of course they will accept you. How couldn't they?" She now sounded so confident. More than I do.

"I'm not a graduate so I guess I have a lesser chance." I actually have low self esteem.

"Aish Seokjin! You're very good in academics. I'm sure they will accept you. Stop being so humble. You only lack a year to graduate but you're almost there!" Eomma hugged me.

But still. I just nodded and smiled. Why is she like that? But I'm so grateful. Her words lift my spirit up. Like what she always do.

After delivering rice cakes, cooking and packing lunch, I went inside my room and turned on my laptop. I will submit my resume and some requirements to KTH recruitment team. After I emailed everything, I'm now ready to go to my second job at the garments shop.

"Eomma, I will go home late. Please don't wait for me okay?" I kissed her forehead.

"And where are you going?"

"Hoseok invited me for some drinks. The place is high end. He will treat me. You know, Friday is funday." I grinned.

"Don't drink too much okay? The last time you did that, you fell asleep inside the bathroom." Eomma laughed at the thought.

It did happen but just once. I can't imagine why eomma always brings it back everytime I'll ask permission to drink. But yes. I sometimes drink too much. It just feels great when you're carefree.

I'm just so excited for tonight's fun night. It's been months since the last time I went out for a drink. I've been a good boy so I guess it will not taint me if i will go and have couple of bottles.

Hoseok is always generous. Well, maybe because he doesn't have lots of friends.

"That place is just great! I heard only the elite people go there to party. It's our chance to feel elite." Hoseok is just excited as I do. We're already in his car on the way to the bar.

"Are you sure? Maybe the drinks there are so expensive." I started to worry. I can drink alcohol even in a convenience store. I'm not really that choosy.

"Oh come on! I will not invite you if I'm not ready." Since you're insisting, might as well take the offer.

When we arrived at the venue, there are few cars parked outside. But all the cars are high end. I hate to say this to Hoseok, but his car looked like a garbage beside a McLaren and a maserati. But since we are both excited for our Friday funday, who cares?

We enter the venue. It's not that big but it is very cozy and laidback. There are only a bunch of people inside. It's not crowded that you can see everyone.

A waiter handed us the menu. Since I don't understand what kind of drinks are written there, I let Hoseok do the honors. He said he ordered a, well I can't recall the name.

The drink came served in a classy pitcher together with some slices or lemon and a small cup of salt. Appetizers are served as well. Then we are given a shot glass.

"This is strong. Don't overdrink Seokjin." Hoseok said to me smiling.

As we started to drink, music filled the air. Party starts at 11pm and everyone looks cool. I and Hoseok exchange some stories over drink. I already informed Hoseok of my desire to apply in KTH. He's just happy for me.

When I looked at the pitcher, I was shocked that we're halfway through. That's explain the feelings I have right now. I keep talking non-sense to Hoseok. No specific topic, just some random thoughts. I saw Hoseok laughing at my state. I'm a little drunk now.

I saw a table near the bar with a reserved sign. I am very adventurous and a dare devil whenever I'm drunk. You know that feeling when you're aware of what you are doing but you can't control it? That's where I am in right now.

I stood up from my seat. Hoseok tried to yank me down but I just shove his hand away. I really want to go to that table with a reserved sign. My mind says no but my reflexes were just hyperactive.

I can hear Hoseok calling my name but I still continue and sat down on that table. I removed the reserved sign and give it to the waiter nearby.

"But sir, that table is reserved." The waiter called my attention

"Reserved? There's nothing that says this is reserved." I reasoned out. I'm just so unreasonable.

"But sir you removed it. Please sir, Mr.  Kim will get angry if I will let someone sits on his place." The waiter said and he sounded desperate.

"Sorry about it. He's just drunk." Hoseok said while pulling my arm. "Seokjin come on! This is embarrassing."

"What's embarrassing? Come on Hobi, it's Friday funday so lets have some fun!" I exclaimed.

"Is this my seat?" A deep voice suddenly was heard. The waiter's eyes went wide when he saw the presence of the man who reserved the table that I just stole.

"Your seat? You said your seat? Where is your name? It's not written on the chair." I know I sounded very drunk. Hoseok keeps on pulling me by the arm and just keeps on apologizing.

"Can you please ask this drunk to leave my table?" the man in suit turned to the waiter who looks like he's having some sort of panic attack.

"Hey! Are you the owner? And even if you are the owner, I don't care. We pay for our drinks here and...and.. and..." so I vomit right across his signature gray suit.

"Holy cow! I'm really sorry sir." Hoseok said frantically. "Seokjin come on."

"Bring your friend out of my bar before I call the security and drag both of you." The man ordered.

That's the last thing I remembered.

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