Part 54

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A/N: This is just a fiction. Just my wild imagination okay? 😂😂


My phone keeps on buzzing in my pocket. As I look, it's Jungkook. I took the call and he told me that he's already in Korea.

I asked for permission from Taehyung that I need to go home because of an emergency but I promised to be there for our dinner tonight. He couldn't say no to me of course.

I was sitting in a coffee shop waiting for Jungkook. I am so looking forward for this meeting.

"Hi Jin!" He greeted as he sat across my seat. His eyes immediately stayed on Soobin.

"Hi Jungkook. Nice to see you again. This is my son Soobin."

Jungkook looks confused.

"Papa, Uncle Chimchim said he will buy Soobin a balloon." Soobin's boxy smile says it all.

"Oh gosh Jin.. he looks exactly like Taehyung." Jungkook pulled Soobin and gave him a hug. Soobin was so nice to hug Jungkook back.

"Who are you?" Soobin asked Jungkook.

"I'm uncle Kookie. How about you, what's your name?"

"My name is Soobin. Uncle Kookie? You have cookies?" Jungkook just laughed. Soobin went back to me and sat on my lap.

"I got pregnant with Taehyung after the accident Jungkook." I just said. "And this is his child."

Jungkook remained quiet. Still staring at Soobin.

"Binnie, you stay here on your seat and  finish eating your ice cream okay?"

Soobin nods.

"So Jungkook, I think I deserve the truth now, right? I and our son deserves the truth."

Jungkook took a deep breath.

"I brought Taehyung to the US because the doctor said he has slim chance of survival. I can't take that kind of diagnosis and I want a second opinion."

"When he wakes up after a month in a coma, he was confused and disoriented. More of no reaction at all as he was just staring somewhere. Like trying to feel himself. The doctor said it's a normal reaction for people who just woke up from a long coma."

"When he finally talked, he first look for his father. I told him his father was already dead 6 years ago. He cannot accept that. I guess it's a wrong move for me that I gave him a bad news right away. But I don't have any idea about his condition that time. Because of that, he suddenly went into some form of depression. He began looking for his ex girlfriend. His pregnant girlfriend, that's his exact word."

"Heegi." I said.

"Yes. Her. I told him Heegi already left him and I tried to tell him that he's already in a new relationship but I think I pushed him more to the cliff.  He started accusing me of telling him lies."

"The doctor examined him once more and said that he's suffering from Retrograde Amnesia. By his analysis, Taehyung can only remember what happened from 6 to 7 years prior the accident. He said that it's normal that the patient will be confused and had the disability to grasp the present. And Jin I'm sorry to tell you but there is a higher chance that won't be able to remember you again. His amnesia maybe temporary or permanent."

"I tried telling him about you but he keeps on shutting me down. I understand that it's really hard for him to take hold of that information. I mean, even on me, if you will insist something to me that I don't know of, I will get angry at you. Right? I hope you get what I mean Jin."

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