Part 30

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I'm currently preparing our breakfast. My eyes still puffy due to lack of sleep. Chanri went to sleep fast and she did not really bother talking to me. The problem was that, as much I wanted to come back to Taehyung, Chanri slept on my shoulder and was hugging me the whole night. She will wake up whenenever I tried moving her to her pillow. So I have no choice but to sleep beside her.

"Oppa goodmorning!" She greeted as she sat down on her chair. She grabbed a bread and start spreading strawberry jam on it.

"Good morning princess." I greeted while I serve her milk. I sat down beside her and put some bacon on her plate. "You want scrambled eggs?" I asked and she nods.

"Good morning father!" Chanri greeted her father.

"So what are you claiming that Minyoon do not know how to put you to sleep?" Taehyung asked Chanri. Chanri put her fork on her plate and pouts.

"Father, I can't sleep if it's not oppa who will put me to sleep." Chanri whines.

"Chanri, it's not okay to knock on someone else's bedroom door at 2 in the morning just to put you to sleep. What if Jin is already asleep that time? And besides, you can sleep on your own. Don't tell me you can't" Taehyung already raising his voice and i can see Chanri starting to get terrified.

"Taehyung please calm down. She's just a kid and its completely normal for kids to knock on our doors at night especially when they are scared." I explained while patting Chanri's back.

"I told you Jin not to tolerate her bratty attitude but it seems like you're not listening to me." Taehyung gave me a piercing stare.

"Taehyung let's talk about this later okay? It's not nice yelling at each other while eating." I calmly said. "Go on princess, finish your food. You don't want to be late in school right?"

Chanri nodded her head as she continue eating. I saw Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Minyoon, please get my bag. Bring it on the car. I'll go to work now." Taehyung stood up and head towards the front door.

I sighed. I know the exact reason on why Taehyung behaved like that.

"Is father angry at me?" Chanri asked frowning.

I shake my head. "No, your father is not angry but he is disappointed. Chanri princess, your father was right. You should learn how to sleep on your own."

"But why? You don't want to be with me anymore?" Chanri asked and is about to cry.

"Chanri no. I always want to be with you but oppa is going back to school soon. I cannot be with you at night time because I will be in school. So you should learn how to sleep without me or anyone putting you to sleep." I tried to explain things to her the best way I can.

"School at night? Why don't you go with me to school so you don't need to go to school at night?" Chanri said so innocently.

I chuckled, "Princess, oppa's school is different. I'm already in college. And i need to go at night time because oppa is working at day time. And you're 5 years old already. You're a big girl already."

"I'm not a baby anymore?"

"Well, not so baby anymore. Come on, time for school! Brush your teeth now! Quick!"


"How are you now? You and boss did not come to office two days in a row. I thought he beat you up and you're hospitalized." Jimin said while touching my cheeks, my arms, my shoulders and checking on my joints.

"Can you stop that? Too much Jimin. And why will he beat me up?" I asked shoving his hands away.

"I don't know. As if you don't know our boss. But to be fair, he's smiling a lot lately. And he's not barking to any of the employees anymore. I wonder what he's eating right now? You tell his butler to feed him that everyday because it's good for him." Jimin smiled.

"Is he inside?" I asked.

"But he's not on the mood this morning. Maybe his butler did not feed him the magic food." Jimin pouts.

I laughed. "He's annoyed at me."

"Really? Did he poke your forehead again? What happened?"

I smiled, "You want to know a secret Jimin?"

He nods.

I lean over to whisper. "Taehyung is now my boyfriend."

Jimin's eyes widen and his mouth formed an 'o'. Then he slapped my arm. "Oh... My... Fucking... G... For real Jin? Aren't you kidding? Oh gosh. We need to sit down and talk about that. How about on Friday? Yes? Okay yes."

"Did you really have to slap my arm? And did i say yes?" i said while rubbing my arm.

"You just said yes. Of course that's a yes."

I rolled my eyes at Jimin. He's always persistent and will never let you say 'no' to a night out.


Jimin panicked when he saw the name in red bold letter appear on his screen.

Kim Taehyung: Park, is Seokjin already there?

"Oh shit Jin! Your boyfriend is looking for you!" Jimin said while wiggling my arm.

Park Jimin: Yes boss.

Kim Taehyung: Tell him to come in.

I breathe in a lot of oxygen before coming inside his white office room. Preparing myself to be scolded.

I saw him scowling at me as soon as I stepped inside. I gently closed the door behind me. He points to the chair in front of his table. I sat down.

I think we just sat in his office for a good 5 minutes. Me fidgeting with my hands and him massaging the bridge of his nose and momentarily checking on his laptop.

He let out a sigh. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't mean to yell at you." Taehyung really has changed.

I shake my head and smiled. "It's okay. I think I really do tolerate Chanri's bad habits sometimes."

He nods. "Aren't you going to apologize to me Seokjin?" He said, smirking. He stood up from his seat and sat on the chair in front of me. He rests his arms on his thighs.

"Oh.. I... I'm sorry for yelling at you this morning." I said.

He shakes his head.

"You still owe me something." Taehyung said while looking in my eyes

"Huh? What do I owe you?" I asked, confused.

Taehyung grabbed my seat and pull it forward. My knees between his legs before staring at me.

"You already forgot about our steamy session this morning?" Taehyung mumbled in his deep sultry voice.

"It's.. it's not my fault, Chanri knocked." I said trying my best to reason out. I feel a little uncomfortable as I felt his legs brushing against mine.

"You already forgot that I asked you to help me release it?"

I cannot speak. Of course I still remember. I know my cheeks turned pinkish as Taehyung's glare became more intense.

"You already forgot that you asked me to use my hand?" Tae smirked. His tone became sarcastic.

My eyes widened, "But Chanri was yelling outside. How do y..." Tae put his index finger on top of my lips to stop me from talking.

"Ssshhhhh.." Tae wheezed. He pull my head on the side as positioned his mouth right above my ear. He breathe in my ears making me shivered from the tingling sensation. Tae whispered in his deepest seductive voice, "I only want yours."

I can feel my heart thumping in my chest. I wonder if Taehyung can hear my heartbeat.

"Just think about the painful feeling that I endured all night." Taehyung's sensual deep voice is so inviting. "So... I think I deserve a very steamy sex with you right now. What do you think about that Kim Seokjin?"

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