Part 60

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"Tae.. how did you know?" Jin asked. Possibly wondering how I knew everything. "I did not expect that you knew already. I saw her after our accident. She peaked from the window. Her face looked satisfied. The way she smiled."

I nod and began telling him how I discovered everything.

Last 5 days in France

"That was incredible Jin." Jin's marketing strategies really amazes me. He did exceptionally well and my team only have good praises on Jin's team.

"That's what I am here for Mr. Kim." He smiled so politely as our team went back to their rooms one by one.

"You can rest now Jin. Thank you again. You did well." Jin gave me a bow before he left to the elevator.

I am on my way to the hotel's restaurant to get some cocktails when a group of men blocked my way. An old man standing in front with them. I know this man. I met him before somewhere.

"Mr. Kim! I am so glad to finally got the chance to see you." He greeted. His smile has meaning on it. I tried my best to remember his name. "I'm Yoo Joo Ho. Owner of Sands and Seas Resort in Jeju and some of the luxurious hotels there."

Yes, I remember now. I am seeing him in business conventions. "Yes, I remember you. Pleasure to see you here in France."

He smirked. I wonder what's his purpose of talking to me. "Mr. Kim. I wanted to talk to you in private. This is of utmost importance and I believe it will be for your own good."

He gestured his men to get me. I guess it's a sign that I should not refuse. "Don't dare touch me!" I glared at them. "I will come. No need to drag me."

We rode a van and he brought me to a restaurant. He rented a private room. He ordered wine but I did not drink nor touch it. What if it's a poison.

"So, why am I here?" I asked. "I want this fast and straight to the point Mr. Yoo. I still have other important things to attend to."

"Like your boyfriend?"

Boyfriend? Is he talking about Seokjin?

"I don't have a boyfriend Mr. Yoo. I have my girlfriend in Korea."

He smiled and I'm starting to get extremely annoyed.

"Heegi." He said. My brows furrowed. "How did you know her?" Curiously, I asked.

He gave me a short laughed of insult. "Mr. Kim, it amuses me on how she managed to fool you. Because as far as I know, four years ago, you're having the time of your life with a guy named Seokjin. And few months after your accident, you're having a relationship again with your former girlfriend. And still on going until the present. It confuses me."

I shift in my seat. I wonder what he's talking about. "Mr. Yoo, I came here because I thought you have something sensible to say. What you're saying are all false and totally senseless. I just met Seokjin recently and Heegi has been my girlfriend for ten years now. I am not having an affair with anyone. This is just a waste of time." I stood up but his men yanked me back down to my seat.

"You shut your mouth Mr. Kim and listen because I know this will be very interesting." He said, his eyes staring at me with so much anger.

"I met Heegi when she's pregnant with your child. She's in this club and I saw her drinking alcohol. She's very pretty. Any man will notice her from the crowd. She's exceptional. She introduced herself. She told me that she's Kim Taehyung's personal assistant. Of course I know the very famous Kim Taehyung. The heir to the biggest company in Korea." He looked at me, inspecting my blank reaction. "You know what she said on how she got pregnant? She said you took advantage of her while she's drunk the reason why she wanted that child in her stomach to die."

"You're lying! Stop that!" I yelled.

"I said shut your mouth up and listen!!" He screamed causing me to sit back on my seat.

"She's a good manipulator. I believed her. She's good in choosing her words and was fantastic in seducing an old man like me. We had sex and she got my full attention. Causing me to went madly in love with her. I told her to let the child live and I will take care of her like nothing happened."

I can't believe what he's talking about.

"But she said she needed to come back to you because she promised not to tell anyone what you did to her or else you will kill her family." I don't even know Heegi's family. She said they disowned her because they all want money from her and she can't give it to them.

"I offered a security but she said she did not want any scandals. She's a woman after all and she needed peace. She said she will wait until she give birth and will come back to me after. We continue our relationship. Visiting her in the apartment that you rented for her."

I suddenly remembered that apartment.

"She said you were so crazy about her and you offered to marry her but she denied you because she said she did not like you. She said that she likes old matured men that will pamper her rather than a young man who just love using her for your sexual needs."

I remembered that as well. I offered marriage but she said she did not want marriage just because I got her pregnant. And I did not use her for sex. She's not even my assistant. I fell in love with her. I did not rape her.

"You see Mr. Kim. To make the story short. She made me believe that you were a pervert. She messaged me that she had given birth and asked me to pick her up in a hospital. She left you after hours of giving birth and we moved to Jeju the same day."

A scene of me waking up with an empty bed in front of me. The me wandering around a hospital flashed in my head. A child in NICU. A letter that I opened but I cannot remember what's written. It also came flashing back. I held tight on the arm rest of the chair. I felt dizzy.

"We had a child as well. The child is with me. You know what happened? This is the most exciting part and I know you don't want to miss this Mr. Kim."

Mr. Yoo smiled at me in amusement. I stared at him. Waiting for his next words.


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