Part 33

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"Harold, can you please pick Chanri up in school?" Taehyung said talking to his driver on the phone. "Bring her to Sabiru. Entrust him to Jungkook.... Yes please.... Tell Jungkook Jin and I will follow, maybe a little late.... okay.. thanks Harold."

I looked at him, my brows furrowed. "Tae... what's this all about?"

"You need to pay for the laptop baby."

I swallowed. I know what's inside his head. "I.. I don't have money Tae."

He glanced at me and gave me a naughty smile. "I told you, I don't need money Jin."

I sighed. "Aren't you tired? We just had it in the office!" I said. Really, I can't believe Taehyung is such a sex addict.

"Then let's have it in the car." He said in his boxy smile.

My mouth fell open. "TAEHYUNG!!!!"

I don't know where our destination will be. All I know right now is either of the two will happen today. Enjoy our little adventure or get arrested by our lewd action. And I hope it's not the latter because I'm sure my eomma will kill me.

All i can see right now is we are beside a river. Nobody here. No sight of people walking or even cars passing by. It's actually away from the main road.  He parked under the bridge.

"Tae we can just pay a room for this. We don't have to do this here." Funny I am now suggesting where to have it.

"You still owe me for the laptop then you want me to pay a room for this? It will only add up to your debt." He said while unbuckling his seatbelt. He began removing his pants, his top intact.

"Oh god Taehyung! Are you serious? I don't want to get arrested!" I said, nervously.


"Who said we're going to get arrested? Come on strip now." He said as he removed his boxers and his hard on sprung free.

He hovers over me to unbuckle my seatbelt. He bite his lower lip as he helped me removed my pants. He then recline my seat and move it further backwards.

"You're making me nervous Tae." I swallowed. My chest going to explode.

He looked at me in the eye and whispered. "There's only one thing I want you to be nervous about. And that's to when i'm going to stop."

He leaned over and began attacking my lips. His kisses are deep, hard and pervasive, wanting to savage my lips. "Let's do this fast baby." He said. "Turn around."

I kneel on the passenger seat, facing the back. I leaned my chest on the back seat. Taehyung crouched above me. Without any preparation, he gradually push his hard erection in my hole. Slowly penetrating my tight muscle. 

He entered me with a driving thrust, embedding himself deeply into my hole. "Ohhhh fuck!" I screamed in pleasure. Feeling his girth stretching my hole again.

He began to thrust his hardness into my tightness. Impaling me on his straining shaft. He started to delve deeper into me with each push. I push my ass to meet each possessive thrust and matching them.

I love how he gyrate his hips against mine. Feeling his length and thickness brushing against my warm hole. It's so fucking good. I moaned louder.

"Don't cum yet baby. Let's cum together." He whispered to my ear as he increased his tempo. He started to pound into me. Slamming his cock in my hole, surging forward repeatedly. Intentionally hitting my prostate with every thrust.

"Ohh god... Tae... please let me cum.." I pant. My stomach contracting. My spasm building. I think I am going to convulse in too much pleasure.

He continue to thunder his cock against my ass. Not hearing my cries.

I cannot take it. The pleasure is just overwhelming. "Tae... hyung...." I groaned as spurts of cum exploded out of me. My breathing is laborious as I continue to unload my cum. Taehyung never ceased, he continue pounding my ass.

"I told you not to cum yet baby." He said as I get down on my high. "Backseat now!" He ordered as he pulled himself out. My breathing still heavy, I crawled to the backseat.

Taehyung bring back the passenger seat to its original position and move the seat forward. He crawled to the backseat.

He immediately put my legs on his shoulders as he plunges himself into me again. "Ohh shittttt!" I grunted. My hole overly sensitive as he has been taking me multiple times already. I can feel the soreness of my ass. But the pleasure is too much it can mask the soreness of my hole.

He slammed his cock again and again. Pulling out and violently filling me up again. I am a screaming mess inside the car. I raised my hips higher to accommodate him more.

"Harder Tae... deeper.. " I screamed. Forgetting the fear of getting arrested.

Taehyung slammed his hips harder, burying his cock deeper. I can feel my cum building up again.

“Feel good?” he asked.

"Yesss baby.. yesss!" I whimpered.

“Ready to come?”

“Oh fuck! Yes! Please.”

He pound into me relentlessly. I can hear him moaning now. His deep voice turned into a very sensual moan. It turned me on on even more.

"Tae.. i'm.. going... to.. cummmmm..." I cried in pleasure.

"Here we go baby." He growled, giving me slamming thrusts of climax. I explode as well. I think this is the longest, hottest release of my life. The car engulfed by uninhibited cry of satisfaction.

If I smell like sex earlier, his car smells like it right now. We sat down on the front seat, still in a daze. Both exhausted.

"I'm paid, I guess?" I said, smiling.

"I think you still have a change." He said naughtily as he starts his car.

"Shut up!" I said, knowing what he meant by that.

As we drive back to the hotel where Jimin made the reservation, he kept on glancing on the rear view mirror.

"Someone's following us." He said, his eyes on the road. His jaw clenched.

I started to get nervous. I looked at the back and saw a car tailing us. "What does it mean Tae?" I asked, my eyes already well up with tears.

Then I felt someone bumped the back of the car causing our car to swerve to the right.

"Tae!" I cried. Gripping on my seat. Taehyung remained calm.

"Hold tight Jin." He said as he maneuver the car into the traffic.

The car still tailing us. I feel another bump, this time harder causing Taehyung to lost control of the wheel. Before we knew it, the car swerved to the isle causing our car to flipped. How many times, I didn't know.

All I can hear are loud screeching sound. Glass shattering. Some buried on my cheek. My head hit into something and everything just went dark.


I don't know if I am dead or alive. As I opened my eyes, I saw Taehyung. His eyes closed. I can't recognize his face. My eyes blurry and his face covered in blood.

"T-tae..." I said but no sound came out. My body was numb. I can't move.

Then someone peak from the window. A very familiar face I haven't seen in a long while. I don't know if I'm just hallucinating, dreaming or somewhere in between. But that face I know and very familiar to me.

Until darkness engulfed me.


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