Part 58

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A/n: all the errors (mispelled words, etc.) are unintentional. I don't reread before i publish. dm me if you have questions. thanks



I remember myself calling Jin's name whenever Heegi tried to seduce me. I'm glad that she will stop instantly. Probably, she knew that my heart belongs to another man, that is Seokjin.

Now I already got the bottom of it. Now I know who owns the name that I am moaning everytime. And here he is, bent in front of me. His creamy soft skin glistened under the moonlight. Now I sense again the feeling of exhilaration that has long been dormant inside my body. Probably part of those feelings that my brain forgot.

He gasped when he saw that I kneeled down and my hands gently spread his ass cheeks. I stared at his hole. I lick my lower lip, anticipating the taste of his slick oozing from it.

I leaned forward and started to kiss it. I sucked the slick leaking out from his hole. "Shittttt!" I heard him moan.

I spit on it as I began spearing his hole with my tongue. I smirked when he place his knee on the table, giving me more access to his hole and now, his balls.

I suck on it. He keeps on cursing as he bury his face on the back of his hands. I swirl his balls inside my mouth, i lick from it, my tongue travels going back to his hole. My tongue protrude his ass. I keep on moving my head back and forth, my tongue slid in and out of his tight ass. I heard him slap the table hard as I insert my index and middle finger in his hole.


"Yes baby, scream my name!" I said as I continue to probe his ass with my fingers, pulling out and massaging his entrance with my tongue. The lewd sounds that he's making turned me on. My cock is hard and throbbing once again. Aching to fuck the hole that I am licking right now.

Jin moaned harshly. I pulled my fingers out and sank them in again. Bending and flexing it. Caressing his insides as I worked my fingers in and out. My long fingers buried in his ass, rotating it as I continue to lick his hole from time to time. His legs are shaking. I know he's coming. He said it between his heavy breathing.

He lifts his leg that was on the table higher, his ass quivering and so wet with his slick and my saliva. He screamed my name again when he exploded. His warm juice shoots on the tiled floor of the penthouse terrace. I continue to thrust my fingers. His ass shakes as waves of pleasure pulsates from his body. His shoulders heaving as he fought for his breath.

I pulled him close to my body. I support his weight with my arms on his waist. His back on my chest as I suck on the crook of his neck. Kissing the love bites that I gave him earlier. His knees buckled. I stroke his cock as small spurts of cum still leaking from it.

"You feel so good babe." I whispered to his ear. I turn him around to face me. I lift him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I reclaimed his mouth as I walk him in the bedroom. I lay him on the bed. I slid my tongue inside his mouth, our tongues collide and fought for dominance.

I place his legs on my shoulders. He closed his eyes as I slowly drove myself into him. Burying my swollen member deep into his hole.

His nails sunk on my back as I feel the burning sensation from the scratches he just made. Tears rolled down his cheeks. I can feel the tightness of his hole. "O-Only me b-babe?" I whispered as I wait for his muscle to relax and adjust to my girth.

He nods. "O-only y-you." He pants. I smiled at him knowing that I am his last before our accident and nobody took my place. My heart screams proudly.

I began to slowly move my hips. Plunging my dick inside him. His arms tightened on my upper arms as his hips came up to meet mine. He arched his hips forward to welcome my thrust.

He moaned as I move faster. I let go of his legs as he wrapped it tightly around my waist, pulling me more deeply inside him. I slammed my cock, grounding my body into him. His chest on mine, I used my elbow to support my weight. While I stare at his lovely dark brown eyes.

The memory of our first time came flashing back in my head. The memory of claiming him on his bed. I am very much certain now. His love can bring back all the memories that I lost.

"Ohhh my... fuck.. me ..more.. Tae.. please.." He whimpered as he gyrate his hips in slow and insistent circles. Matching my thrusts. Letting me fill him up again and again, until all the empty spaces are gone.

Jin arched himself upwards, our body heaved against each other. His hole clenched on my pulsating manhood.  "I"m cumming.. i'm gonna cum.. ohhh shitttt..." I quicken my pace as his cum spurts between our body. I captured his lips, trapping his screams in my mouth. I can feel the frantic beating of his heart. His body quivers beneath me as I continue pounding his ass. Releasing my cum deep inside him. I poured my juice into him. Thrusting deep and fast, milking myself in his hole. I was flooding him, filling him up with everything that I have.

He grabbed my ass as he pushed his hips forward. Fucking himself with my cock.  "You want more babe?" I asked him as I continur slowly thrusting my cock. My cum leaking out of his hole.

"Y-yes Tae.. yess! I want more.."

His whole body tightened, finally letting go of everything. The way he touched me, the way he makes me shudders, the way he spoke my name, I know in my heart that he is the right person for me to love.



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