Part 38

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I was rushed in the ER. I hate seeing my mother crying without knowing the results yet. She's always like that whenever i have a feeling that there's something wrong with me.

I'm actually worried about me having internal injuries that's causing me my upset stomach and it's just showing off now.

After two hours of waiting, the doctor came with a big smile on his face. I know right away that it's a good news.

"Hi Seokjin!" He greeted me.

"Hi." I smiled weakly.

"What's wrong with my son doc?" My eomma asked. Feeling so negative.

"Oh! No. There's nothing wrong with your son. I actually have good news for him." The doctor said still smiling. He turned on me. "Congratulations Seokjin! You're pregnant!"

My eyes widened. My breath hitches. Everything went into a slow mo. This isn't real. I'm just dreaming. This can't be.

My tears started to well up. I can feel my mother staring at me. I can't decipher what she's thinking about me right now. Knowing that I am pregnant can only mean one thing. And that's I had sex with Taehyung. My mother would be very disappointed.

I looked at my flat tummy then on my legs. This is totally impossible.

"D-doctor, I-i think you've made a mistake. I can't be pregnant. I had a car crash 2 months ago. And I am badly injured. I even went into a coma. It's impossible." I tried lifting my spirit up but no matter what I said, my eomma already have an idea that I gave my all to Taehyung.

"Are you already pregnant when you had the accident?" The doctor asked.

I shake my head. I think I just made the situation worst as it only mean one thing, we had it just before the accident.

"It's possible that a rigorous exercise, more so a car accident, can interfere in the implantation but since you got pregnant, your accident did not interfere with you conceiving. It's a miracle baby after all." The doctor said. My eomma touched my hand.

I saw Namjoon came. He's talking with Ken.

I looked at my leg once more. I can't be pregnant, I can't even walk.

"But, I'm on a wheelchair doctor." I asked, my tears fell even more.

"Seokjin, there are a lot of people who got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby even they are confined in a wheelchair. I believe you have a therapist. He can suggests therapy workouts that can make everything easy for you."

I looked at Ken who just waved at me, smiling.

"I will leave you for now and will refer you to an OB. So he can give you vitamins and recommendations on how to handle your pregnancy. Again, congratulations Seokjin."

I can't look at my mother. I know she' staring at me. She's holding my hand maybe trying to tell me that it's okay.

I touched my stomach. My baby Taehyung is inside me, right here right now. While my baby's, possibly still sleeping, father is hundred miles away from us. I wish he will know about this soon. I really do believe he will be extremely happy. I want Chanri to know about this too. I know how much she wanted me to be her appa. She would be really happy to have a sibling.

Silence filled up Namjoon's car on our way home. I can't look at them. I'm just staring at my hands. I can't look at the road as it fears me. My accident gave me unusual fears. Fear of the road and even fear of riding a car.

"Jin.. please don't worry about your pregnancy. I will take care of you." My eomma said to me.

"Eomma I'm sorry." I said, finally looking at her. "I know I disappoint you. I'm sorry."

My eomma clicked her tongue. "Aishhh Jinnie, don't think about it. Taehyung will be really happy once he learned that you're carrying his child."

"But.. he's not here. How can I let him know?" Worries suddenly engulfed me.

"Don't worry about raising your child alone. We will help you get through this." Namjoon but in.

"Alone? I will raise my child with Tae Namjoon. How dare you say that to me! Taehyung will come back for me!" Fear of raising a child alone get through me. What if Taehyung did not come back? I don't want to raise my child without a father.

"I'm sorry Jin. I didn't mean anything by that. What I'm just saying is that, if he will not come back sooner, then we will be here to support you. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Namjoon said.

"Jin, Namjoon is right. Please don't take it wrongly. We don't know until when Taehyung will come back. So for now, let us take care of you." How could my eomma say this things to me?

Perhaps, I'm just afraid of what the future has in store for me, for my child or for Taehyung. Future seems uncertain to me now. I don't even know if Taehyung will really come back for me. I hope fate will bring us together again.

I don't care if he is confined in bed or in a wheelchair. I will walk just to take care of him.

I don't care if he is as commanding as before. As rigid as before. Or as sarcastic as before.

I don't care if he will poke my forehead everyday. Or telling me to hurry up or I will fly out of the window with the chair.

I am willing to make love with him in his office again. Or inside his car again.

I just want him to come back.

And i hope sooner.

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