Part 35

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A/N: Please be reminded that this is just a fiction. All are just product of my crazy imagination ❤️❤️



I woke up in an unfamiliar room. White ceiling, white walls, dim lights. A faint beeping sound can be heard. I tried to move but my body feels heavy. Especially on the lower part of my body.

"W..water.." My voice came out as a whisper.

I heard a cry.

"Oh my God, he's awake.. he's awake.."

I heard the voice said.

The voice came from my eomma. Her voice is very familiar. She's crying. As if me being awake is a big deal.

I just sleep, what's the big deal?

"W..water.." I said again. Waking up this thirsty feels very unusual. And me wasn't able to move feels more unusual.

People in white came to tend to me. Checking on me. They all look unfamiliar. I can't recognize any of them. As much as I want to shove their hands away, I can't. My arms feels heavy. Everything in my body feels heavy.

"I-I'm thirsty..." I said again in a very hoarse voice. My throat is just very dry.

"Water. He wants water." Said the man in white.

A water was given to me. I drink. Water never tasted this good in my life. It feels like it brings me back to my senses.

"Hi Seokjin. My name is Dr. Seongwu. Can you see me clearly?"

"T-tae-hyung.." He's the first person that came in my mind. I want to see him. The last time I saw him was this noon.

We parked under the bridge. We had some adventure in his car. We were both happy. He asked me to pay for his laptop and told me I still have a change. We're happy. It happened just this noon time. That's all I can remember. We're both very happy.

I looked at the clock. It's 5pm. Where is Taehyung? It's been 5 hours since the last time I saw him. I don't know why I wanted to see him badly. Waking up in an unfamiliar place feels so... odd. I am actually expecting to wake up inside Taehyung's car.

Why is there a doctor in front of me now? And by the looks of it. Why am I in the hospital? Why is there a lot of IV's connected on my arm?

"Seokjin?" The doctor, whose name is Dr. Seongwu called me again.

My gaze went to him. "Where's Taehyung?" I guess my words are clearer now. My throat feels a little hydrated.

"Seokjin, your mother will answer your questions later. But you have to answer my questions first. Will that be okay?"

I nod.

"Can you see me clearly Seokjin?"

I nod.

"How about your mother, can you see her?"

My eyes wander. And my gaze went to my mother. I see Namjoon. He's there as well.

"Can you tell me how old are you?"

"26." My voice hoarse but understandable.

"What's your surname Seokjin?"

I stared at the doctor. His questions are just strange.

"Seokjin, what is your surname?"


Dr. Seongwu smiles at me as he moves my arm. "Can you feel this?"

I nod.

He touched my left leg. I moaned. It's painful. Mr. Seongwu nods.

"Seokjin, please take everything easy for now. And we will do more tests later. Okay? I'm so happy to finally see you awake."

Dr. Seongwu talks to my mother and Namjoon. I can't hear them. I don't what they are talking about.

I looked down and saw my leg in a cast. It's the reason why it's painful. But why?

I stared at the ceiling. Trying to recall but it feels like, I can't remember what happened. I don't know why my leg is in a cast. I don't know why I'm in a hospital. All I want to see is Taehyung. We will have an office dinner. Why am I here?

"Jinnie, how are you? Eomma here. I'm so happy to see you awake." Her eyes glistening with tears. She's pressing my hand and rubbing it.

But I did not respond. I don't know why I feel like floating. I just stared at the ceiling. Thinking. My heart feels heavy now. And I can't understand why.

"It's normal that he's confused and just staring somewhere. Don't worry about it. But I can assure you that his injuries don't have an effect with his brain. By the way, I will be back tomorrow to check on him again. In case you need anything, please don't hesitate to call me." I heard him say. But I don't have the strength to react.

I stared at my mother. "Eomma.."

"Yes sweetheart? Eomma is here."

"What happened?" I need to know.

My eomma looks at Namjoon who takes a deep breath. "Jinnie, sweetheart. Maybe we can talk about it some other time."

"Eomma.." I stared at her. My stares says it all. I wanted to know.

My mother breathe out heavily. She looks hesitant to tell me. I squeezed her hand to tell her I'm waiting.

"Jinnie, you had an accident. Car crash sweetheart." Her voice cracks. She looks nervous. She holds on to Namjoon's arm.

I stared at the wall. Trying to remember what happened. I had an accident? When?

"Accident? Earlier?" I asked.

My eomma looks surprised. "No Jinnie. A week ago."

A week ago? What does it mean? I just woke up now. I know that Taehyung and I were together this morning until noon. And.. and...

"Where's Taehyung?" I asked. I can feel a tear fell from my eyes.

Eomma did not answer. She stared at me. Her eyes speaks worry.

"Eomma where's Taehyung?" I don't know where I am getting my strength now to speak. I really feel my heart is going to burst from my chest. My memory is still vivid. I saw Taehyung in blood. I saw him. I remember now.

"Where's Taehyung! Bring me to him!" I yelled. My tears can't stop from falling.

"Jin please calm down. You just woke up from a coma. You need to calm your mind f..."

"WHERE THE FUCK IS TAEHYUNG!!" I cut Namjoon out. My hand grabs on to the blanket.

My mother cried. "Jinnie.. Taehyung is not here anymore.."

My heart stops for a second. A minute? I don't know. What do you mean by that? Where is Taehyung? I stared at my mother. She's staring back at me. I wanted to say something. But my words just don't want to come out.

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