You Think That You Know Shit

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Poland woke up the next morning to the smell of food cooking, and went to investigate. In the kitchen, Canada was already there, placing down several plates of his signature pancakes as well as the rest of breakfast.

"Morning, Canada."

"Oh! Morning, Poland! I didn't realize you were up."

"I wasn't. I was just lured in by this sweet smell in here."

"Thank you," Canada said, "I take a lot of pride in my pancakes."

"おはようございます(Ohayōgozaimasu)," Japan's voice came through as she entered the kitchen in high spirits.

"Morning, Japan," Canada said..

"Dzień dobry, laka."

"Are you cooking Canada? I should have guessed. Your cooking always smells nice!"

"Thank you. Did you sleep well?"

Japan nodded enthusiastically, "Yes. And I had a really nice dream, too!"

"Really? What about?"

Japan paused, and she blushed pretty darkly.

"It-It's of no matter. How about you two? Sleep well?"

"I slept in Germany's room. We couldn't settle on who should sleep in the bed, so both of us did," Canada explained, his face also darkening with color as well.

Japan smirked, "I see. So you slept well, I suppose? Nothing...kept you up? Right?"

Canada knew exactly what she was implying, and he couldn't help but blush at the thought.

"Y-yes. I did," he answered meekly.

"I slept alright," Poland said, already seeing the conversation going somewhere he didn't really care for this early in the morning. "The sofa was only a little uncomfortable. I had to share the room with America and Russia, though."

"Oh? Did they fight at all?"

"No. Not that I remember. I was asleep before any form of fighting broke out, if any at all," Poland replied while pouring himself some of the coffee that Canada had put on.

"I see. That's good. I didn't even notice Russia in there when I passed by. I had assumed he had gone home."

Poland noped, and a somewhat calm silence passed between them. They all wondered if one of them should say something, before a faint ,"thump," sounded from another room.

"I'll go check," Poland offered before anyone else, and left Canada and Japan alone in the kitchen.

Japan watched Poland leave and went to the fridge to grab a drink. When she turned around, orange juice in hand, she faltered for a second when she saw Canada staring at her.

"Uhh, yes?"

"Is that a hickey on your neck?"

Japan's hand flew to cover where her neck met her collarbone, inwardly screaming for her forgetfulness.

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