Shit's Getting Weird

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America, having managed to lead Russia away from beating the ever-loving shit out of someone, felt an extra pep in his step. He was only a little disappointed by losing Canada.
On the other hand, he was a little worried about the way Russia was acting. Even now, he was practically hovering over America, staring at everyone, daring them to say something bad so he could beat them up. He stood so close, America could feel the dark and threatening aura that circled around his new friend. It was almost tangible.

"You know, Russi, you don't have to stand so close. I think you've managed to get your message across pretty clear," America chuckled nervously. He tried to avoid eye contact with people they passed, because he knew everyone was staring. He hated it.

Russia answered, "Well they're still looking, so maybe I need to do more?"

"No! No, no please don't!" America immediately waved his hands around, trying to dissuade any ideas the Russian might've gotten. "You've done enough, thanks! There's no need for anything more."

Russia gave a small "humph" and finally allowed himself to distance himself just a little from America. America finally felt like he could breathe again, and sighed softly once he felt the presence move away. They now stood at least half a foot apart, which was, for America, appropriate distance for any friend. Just enough so that once in a while, their shoulders bumped each other, reassuring them, "I'm still here, don't worry." He let out a soft sigh.

It was kind of quiet now, save for the chattering of students they passed. The lunch bell was going to ring in about four minutes, so they steered towards their next class. On their way in, Ms. Lynn was headed out. With Mr. Lin.

"Just walking him to his classroom, you two can go ahead and wait inside. Bell rings in a minute or so."

"Thanks Miss Lynn."

They sat at their respective seats. Besides them, there was nobody in the room. America turned around in his seat to talk to Russia. 

But before he said anything, Russia announced to him, "I like your clothes."

America blinked, the only coherent thought he could voice being, "h-wha?"

Russia's immediate directed his head to face the table, but his eyes flickered between it and America's face. His hands rested in his lap, shoulders hunched. America couldn't help but look at him, and see him as this five year old who'd just been embarrassed.

"I-I like your clothes? They look--hehhh, they look r-really nice on you tod-today. L-like, they, uh, they suit you?"

America blinked and looked down at what he was wearing. Today, he wore a long-sleeved, beige sweater that ended just above his hips, with a black flannel skirt that ended mid-thigh, and black leggings. A small, queer smile formed on his face, and he looked back up at Russia. Said country was shifting uncomfortably in his seat, his blush having spread more now that America had smiled at him. 

America just grinned at him. He sat up and leaned towards Russia, making the other flinch. America placed his hand on his head, and ruffled the ushanka the Slavic country always wore.

"Thanks Russi."

He placed his hands back on the table to push himself back in his seat, but Russia's right hand over his own stopped him. He paused in his movements, and looked back at him. Russia was staring into his eyes with a nervous expression, flickering over with some determination.

It was a look in his eyes that lured America in. One he couldn't really discern at the moment.

Both were caught in staring at each other, that they hardly noticed how they leaned towards the other. Their faces were so close--


"AhA! I got you!"

Both America and Russia ripped away from each other, startled by both the loud ringing of the bell, and the victorious cry of America's brother. The moment was gone.

Canada whooped and hollered as he did a little dance. He was just so caught up in the moment.

"YES! Oh yesyesyesyesyES! Oh PANGEA, I'm so--hhhh, I can't...breathe. Oh Pangea I was so scared, I--" Canada leaned forward, placing his hands on his knees and exhaled heavily. He was breathing so hard and shaky, coming down from his short-lived adrenaline rush.

Russia looked down at himself to see the little bullet that laid at his feet.

Russia had lost the game.


Yeah, y'all were correct with choosing Maple Boi  XD

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