What the Shit?

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Japan checked her watch every few minutes while she waited for America in front of a fountain. She knew it was natural for him to be late, but that didn't make her any less nervous about whether she'd been stood up or not. So far, it'd been seven minutes since he was supposed to arrive.

If he doesn't show in five more minutes, I'll just leave.

Two minutes later, and she was thinking about heading home, when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned and confirmed that yes, it was America. He'd shown.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Hope you weren't waiting too long?"

"I haven't been here too long, no. What are we doing?"

"Well, I was thinking I'd take you to this nice shop that just opened a few weeks ago? It has a lot of cute stuff and collectables. I've heard good things."

"Sounds like fun," she smiled. "Okay."

He smiled and relaxed his shoulders, taking her hand and leading her to their destination.

"Have you eaten yet?" America inquired.

"I had a banana and granola bar on my way out," Japan answered.

America nodded and stopped them at a street vendor who sold kebabs and ordered four.

"Something to hold us for a little," he explained.

Japan smiled and happily accepted her two. So far, this was turning out to be a really nice date. America continued leading her without holding her hand and they were soon in front of a small store in the local strip mall. The glass door and windows were painted with little animal characters and smiley faces, and the sign showed a cat saying the name of the store: "Right Here and Meow!"

The inside was largely animal themed, and there was a section for all sorts of stuff. Art supplies, plush toys, action figures, collectables, and even some household items and accessories.

"Wow, this place is really nice," Japan said, in awe.

America chuckled as she gushed over some pencil toppings in the shape of baby animals.

"I figured you'd like this kind of stuff. I heard about it from South Korea, and wanted to give it a try."

"Thank you, Meri!"

They browsed the store and showed each other stuff they'd found, like a dinosaur with cat ears, a notebook with a picture of a sloth, a coloring book. And they shared a good few laughs in between it all.

When Japan showed a real interest in a cute handbag with Totoro on it, America offered to buy it for her.

"I couldn't let you do that!" she protested.

"It's cool. I want to buy it for you. You like it, so it's yours," he gave her one of his bright smiles.

Japan blushed and looked down at the handbag. It was a really nice gesture, but she didn't want America to just spend his money on her. But he really insisted.

Without another word, America held his hand out for the bag, which she hesitantly put in his hand, and walked up to the counter to purchase it. He declined a bag and asked Japan to put it on.

"It looks good on you," he said sincerely.

"Thank you," she murmured shyly.

They left the store and just walked the streets, chatting and admiring the scenery.

Meanwhile, Russia was walking down the street, hands in his pockets, and a small frown on his face. He'd just stormed out of his house after getting into a small spat with his sibling, Ukraine. Russia felt over-emotional all of a sudden, and he couldn't handle being in the house at the moment. So he left to clear his head.

He kicked a little pebble and huffed.

Someone laughed, and he immediately looked up. He knew that sound anywhere.

As he thought, America was there. And with Japan.

Oh shit, they're on a date.

That much was obvious, with the way Japan and his arms were linked, and they leaned on each other.

He tried to avoid any interaction, and sped his pace to cross them before they noticed him. Unfortunately, Japan did.

"Um, isn't that Russia-san?" he heard her whisper to America.

"Huh? Oh, it is. Hey, Russia!"

Before Russia even thought of ignoring him, his body reacted first and he turned to acknowledge the call. Japan looked at America in slight horror. As if she was bewildered as to why America would even dare call out to him.

"Hey," he obviously hadn't noticed Japan's face, because he still called out to Russia, "decided to go for a day on the town too, huh?"

"Uhh, sure. I guess you could say that. Are you two on date?"

Why am I continuing the conversation?

"That obvious, eh? Yeah, we are. What'chu doing?"

Russia looked to the side, wondering if he should even respond.

"I'm, uh, just going for walk."

"Something on your mind?"

"That obvious, yes?"

America laughed, "Yup, I guess!"

America finally saw Japan looking at him impatiently, and smiled softer.

"Well, I guess we'll be going. See you at school, then?"

"Yes, most likely," Russia responded, making the American laugh out loud again.

Russia couldn't help but smile a little.

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