Shitty Cryptids

406 23 62

A/N: this is gonna be looonngg


"Okay, has everyone shown up yet?"

"Still waiting on Russia, Ukraine, Philippines, and Mexico."

"Those little shits," America sneered jokingly.

Canada chuckled and glanced at his phone again. Just in time too, cause Ukraine sent another message.

"Phil, Ukraine, and Russia are down the street, they just ran into Phil on their way here."

"Awesome sauce, let's just start paying," Poland butt in, blatantly impatient.

"Relax a little bit, Pol-kun," Japan said with a smile.

Said country just groaned and trudged away to sit on the bench.

"Buenos tardes, amigos!"

"Oh nice, good to see you, Mex!"

"Estoy muy emocionado, Gringo. I haven't played this before, pero Chile y Nicaragua told me it's fun."

America nodded in the affirmative. Canada laughed at the playfully aggressive country's excitement.

"It's pretty simple, but very adrenaline-inducing," Canada said.

Poland butted in again, "This is great, cause it either ends with me kicking your asses, or me 'dying.' Both of which are great outcomes."

The bell on the entrance door rung as it swung open, alerting the group to the last three countries walking in.

"Hi, Ame! Hi Jappy, hi German, hey Pol, hey Mex, hi Can! Hey Aussie, hi NZ!" Philippines waved eagerly to each of his friends, greeting them individually.

America chuckled, "You're really excited, huh Phil?"

"Yeah! It's been so long since I've played. Last time was with you, and we absolutely ruled the game! I loved it! I want that feeling of power again. To feel superior amongst the whole, and stare down at them as they drink their tears and cry with despair at the idea that they are utterly worthless fail--"

"Okay!" America shouted, smile strained as he held his friends shoulders. He chuckled, "Okay. Just, chillax a little, bud. No need to go world domination psycho on us."

Philip nodded.

Once they'd payed the $20 per person fee, they were led into a room to suit up and await the start of their game.
Canada and America took the time to explain how to play to Mexico. South Korea, Ukraine, and Russia also listened in, seeing as they were first timers too.

"So, it's a lot like airsofting, except laser tag has specific targets on a person's body. Hit them for points, and the lights on the target go off. Yours will too. That also means you won't be able to shoot anyone either. After like five second they come back on again, and you can use your gun."

Mexico nodded, already psyched up.

"We should start making teams now," Canada said.

"I CALL AMERICA AND PHILIP!" Japan shouted, wrapped an arm around the two's necks, pulling them in.

"No fair! They're both good," Germany whined.

"Well, I'll play with Germany," Poland said, "and we'll take Philip."

"Fine," Japan huffed, and released the Filipino.

"Phil, noooooo!" America cried dramatically as his friend walked over, reaching out one hand.

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