Oh, What the Shit?

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Russia was damn close to breaking. Three days, and America was nowhere to be found. He hadn't even responded to any of his messages for two of those days! He stormed through the park, looking for that now infuriating head of red stripes and blue. He'd heard Japan mention earlier that she was taking America to the park to tell him something. Of course, it might be just another wild goose chase, but he didn't want to waste his chances at this point. So, he went to the park as early as possible, before whatever time Japan and America would possibly think of heading there. Of course, he didn't know where exactly in the park. And, the park was really big. Knowing Japan, she'd probably choose the most nice looking place, which was, in his opinion, this little clearing just a ways away from the duck pond. Lots of tall trees grew there, mostly willows, and tons of wildflowers were usually growing there.

So he waited for a long time. People came in went. Families passed. Couples strolled through, but not the one he cared about. After almost two hours, he started to get impatient, and thought about leaving; but he finally heard him. 

He heard America. In all his glory, the shorter nation was laughing loudly as he and Japan talked and walked. Panicking a bit, Russia jumped into a shrub and crouched down there, quickly brushing some dirt and twigs and such off his shoulder, and forced himself into a somewhat comfortable position to wait and watch.

"So, why'd you call me down here, Japan?"

"Ah, I, uh...well, I told you, right?"

"You told me you needed to tell me something, right?" America worded his sentence slowly, sounding suspicious.

"Uh, はい(hai). I just...needed to get it off my chest before--. Well, before anything gets out of control!"

"Before...what? Gets out of control? Japan, c'mon. You're really starting to worry me."


Russia could see exactly where this was going, and he wasn't sure he liked it.

"Japan. You know you can tell me. That's why you brought me, right? You know you can tell em. It shouldn't be hard."

"But it is!"

"Japan. It's okay. Say it. We're best friends, remember?"

Oh, Russia really regretted eavesdropping on Japan now.

"That's just it! We're best friends. That's all we can be!"

"What...? A-Are you--"

"I'm saying that I--" she stopped short, "that I don't want...to...date....you." Her voice dropped lower and lower with every word. Her ears folded back in shame, and she started tearing up.

"I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore."

Russia wanted out. He didn't want to be around for this. This was seriously private! But he would give himself away if he moved.

"Oh. Is that it?"

America sounded sad, but his words were nonchalant.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's okay. People fall out of relationships all the time."

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