Ah Shit, Here we go Again

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Again, Belarus damn near crashed into his body in her excitement to spread gossip.

"Russia! RusRusRusRusRusRussia!"

"What, Bel?"

"Japan and America broke up!"

Russia winced. He really didn't want to hear that the moment he got to school. Plus he already knew.


"You knew?"

"Uh, well, I guess I figured it'd happen sooner or later."

"I'm so shocked! I don't know why I didn't see it coming. They were only together for a week and a half!"

"People fall out of relationships all the time, Belarus."

"Yeah, but--"

"Hey Bel!" Someone called out to his sister, interrupting her and sliding into step with her, "did you hear about America?"

"Him and Japan's break up? I already kn-"

"No! This is better! Have you seen America?"

"What? What happened?"

"Come see for yourself!"

They left Russia behind, who sighed heavily. He could follow them, but what would it matter? Besides, whatever was going on with America, he'd probably see or hear about in auto shop. He had a good feeling that he wouldn't skip today.


"Guys, I don't know about this."

"You'll be fine! People are pretty good about this type of stuff nowadays. And if they aren't, they'll have to get used to it!" Japan gave him a thumb up.

"A-Are you sure--?"

Canada patted him on the shoulder, "You look beautiful, now let's go!"

America stumbled forward when Japan yanked his arm. Honestly, he did think he looked good, but what would everyone else think? He liked it. Would they? How would his other friends react?

As soon as they walked in, eyes were on him. Mostly confused stares, and only a few actually bad ones.

He headed straight to his locker, which was next to Jamaica's. The smaller country was in the middle of opening his locker when America showed up. He went to say hi to him as per usual, but any words died on his tongue the moment he laid eyes on him.

"A-America. You look...different."


"I...like it."

"Really? You--you don't think it's...disturbing?"

"No. Just took me by surprise. You look good."

America felt like crying a little, but he'd save that for later.

"So, is this you now? Or is this another dress code revolution for Japan?"

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