Shit's Too Weird

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"I have to say, I never thought I'd be losing money to my teacher," America mused.

"You were warned, kiddo. I told you Canada would win," Ms. Lynn sniggered as she placed her hands on her hips.

The entire group who'd been in on the game were gathered in Ms. Lynn's classroom after school. Germany, Russia, and Canada still hadn't shown,  though.
All the people who bet on Russia shamefully turned their money in, while Canada betters stuck their noses up in victory.
South Korea whined as Japan pulled his offered won out of his hands.

"Damn, I thought Russia had this in the bag!"

"That's your fault~ I told you Nada-kun would win."

"I lost the game and my money. And Malaysia's still pissed at me," Indonesia smacked his head on the table he sat at.

Malaysia looked at him pitifully, rolling his eyes. Philippines tapped him in the shoulder. When Malaysia looked at the Filipino, said country raised his brows and nodded his head towards Indo, basically saying, "Come on, go talk to him."
Malaysia groaned reluctantly and walked over to the sad nation.

"I'm sorry you lost Indonesia. It's not your fault you're an idiot."

Philip smacked his hand to his face.

Indonesia sniffled and looked at Malaysia, "You mean it?"

"Of course baby," Malaysia smiled at him.

Since he was sitting while Malaysia  stood, Indonesia wrapped his arms around the others waist, and burried his face into his stomach.
Philip should've guessed that'd be all it took.
He pulled out his phone and started texting Vietnam.

"Tag! We're here. Canada and I found Russia talking to North Korea by the badminton courts!"

"Wasn't planning on coming here. I has things to do."

"Whatever, you just need to witness the whole exchange," Ms. Lynn said.

"What exchange?"

"Oh Canada, I'm so glad you asked. By the way, your brother's told me a lot about you. Germany too."

The latter mentioned blushed and tried to hide behind the nearest person, which was Russia.

Russia rolled his eyes and stepped away, keeping Germany in sight of the other smiling country.

"I just thought you'd like to see what went down when we all found out who the last remaining players were in your game."

Russia's eyes widened a little. "Wait you knew?"

"Oh yeah, America here told me all about it. Sounded fun, so we made bets. Who would win? Russia? Or Canada?"

"And since Russia lost, who else did?" Canada asked, ignoring the glare Russia directed at him.

"Well, that makes these five, America, South Korea, Indonesia, and Philippines, Poland, all losers," Ms. Lynn grinned.

Canada looked a little betrayed by his brother, who smiled nervously and refused to look his sibling in the eyes.
Canada sighed, probably figuring that he should have known America would bet on Russia over him. He was kind of the obvious choice.

"While Japan, Malaysia, Germany, and myself...are winners."

"You bet too?" Russia's looked absolutely appalled, "against me?"

"Yup. Sorry," Ms. Lynn said, not looking sorry.

Canada chuckled while Russia looked offended.

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