Oh God, Oh Shit

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Realizing he had no reason to sit away from Germany and Russia now, America slid into his usual seat, wishing there was any possibility let way to curl in on himself till he was nothing. After the little interaction between himself and Russia in the halls, America really didn't think about having to see him again so soon.

Pangea this is so stupid.

Germany sat next to him, somewhat surprised to see him there again.

"Any news on the outcome of the game?"

"Not yet. I haven't spoken to either Russia or Canada since the beginning of lunch."

Germany nodded and settled himself into his spot. After a few minutes, Russia ran in, panting a little.

"You know, I did not really plan on your brother's abilities. He's surprisingly diligent."

"Shit, now I'm starting to wish I had bet on Canada's side," America muttered to Germany, who smirked.


"Eh, don't worry about it, Russi," America waved him off.

"What?" Russia chuckled, "'Russi?'"

America felt like slapping himself. Or, perhaps a better alternative, dying.

Damn my friendly self!

He gave him a somewhat pained smile, but Russia didn't really notice it. He instead looked to the left as he pondered over the choice of words. He then gave America a small smile, and America might've actually melted.

"I like. You can call me that."

Oh Pangea, I'm not going to make it through class.

Germany smirked at America's embarrassed expression and took over when he decided to find his arms on the counter and lay his face in it.

"So, I guess it's safe to assume that you didn't win? Canada did, then?"

"What, no! He almost had me, but I got away. No, the games still going, actually."

"Oh, ok. Well, we'll see, ja?"

Russia tilted his head in a shrugging motion, signaling that yes, they would see.


A little bit later, after school had ended, America had just caught up with his siblings outside of the school's gate. His little sister, New Zealand - AKA, Kiwi -, and little brother, Australia, were in the middle of trying to grab each other and noogie the other. 

"Hey guys, how's it going?" America said, interrupting Kiwi in the middle of her victory over Australia.

"Nothing much," Canada said, "just waiting for you. How'd your day go?"

Kiwi shoved Australia away from her, placing her hands on her hips, "Nobody tried to mess with you, right? Cause we'll give 'em a good fight!"

Australia bumped into her as he placed an arm around her shoulders, "Yeah! Nobody messes with our family!"

"Thanks y'all, that's nice of you," America chuckled while he waved off his siblings' antics, "but it was actually a good day. Only one guy actually said something to me, but Ms. Lynn handled him for me."

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