Shit Storm

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"So...what now?"

Russia chuckled at America's question nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I-I mean, I kind of, well...well I saw there was this carnival opening up for the summer in the park. I thought you might like to go there?"

"Oh, that's new! S-sure, let's try it!"

Russia let out a small sigh of relief, which America had not noticed, thankfully.

"Okay, let's go!"

Russia figured America didn't know where to go and grabbed him by the hand to lead him to the car. America's squeak in response alerted him to what he'd done, but he still refused to let go, not wanting to make it more awkward by acknowledging the contact.

In the car(which America still so loved), it was pretty quiet. America hated it.

"Sooooo..." he started. Russia hummed in response. "That day that our game of TAG ended...were you...were you going to kiss me?"

Russia cleared his throat, visibly uncomfortable. America grinned, absolutely loving just how cute Russia looked when he was embarrassed. It reminded him of when it was just them passing each other by, going to their fourth period together, and just basically never interacting. It made America think about how he never wanted that to be them again. Made him think how he never wanted to not know how he looked when he made any other face than apathy or annoyance.

He'd always thought maybe Russia had some stick up his ass, the way he acted, but after finally talking to him, he could see that Russia wasn't so closed off. He just never spoke to anybody who didn't speak to him. Russia, in truth, was someone very compassionate and helpful. He did like having fun, but nobody ever tried. And he wasn't as much of an alcoholic as people thought. He tended to enjoy the drink more than chug it any chance he got.

Anyways, back to his question, it seemed Russia had already been responding.

"...and I-I guess that was ruined by Canada," Russia chuckled.

"Wh-huh? I-I'm sorry, what was the first part?"

Russia cleared his throat again and hummed in a high pitched tone, almost sounding like a whine.

"Well, I do not know if I was going to kiss you, I just, I was compliment you, and you leaned in so close and I-I-I do n--I don't know, I just felt pulled in, and the next thing I knew, my hand was on yours and we were both leaning in and...well, I guess Canada ruined that, yes?"

"Oh," America said, blushing a little, "yeah. He did."

"But, to be fair, I could not say for certain if I would've continued had he not. I, uhhh, I probably would have chickening out."

"Ha! Maybe," America smirked.

Then, he had another thought.

"You know, I, I never really thought you'd be into me. Into guys, maybe, of all people?"

"I do not think it is just guys. I have never thought much about that, but I have liked people. At this point, is too confusing, uhh..."

"To label it?"

"I think, yes. To hard to label it."

"Oh, well that's okay. Labels are kind of overrated anyway. I mean, I'm in the same boat, I guess. Pushing a different oar."

"Boat? Oar? What boat?"

"Uh, I mean situation. Just different, in a way. I just mean that, I never had an interest in other people much. The only reason I dated Japan was because, well, this is gonna sound bad, but, it was because I heard a lot of people talking about how we would be such a good couple, so I thought...why not? Japan was nice, but I only really liked her as my best friend. I'm just glad she felt the same."

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