Taking a Shit in a McDonald's Restroom

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School's finally back, and things seem to be shaping up. People don't really bother America anymore; that was old news. Right now, all eyes were glued to their screens as they gossipped about some freshmen who had sex on the stairs of the math building. The damn fools were all over snapchat. All three seconds of them. Airdropped to every phone.

Our protagonists currently were in the middle of lunch, which is of course where The Gang™ always congregates. As of now, it's just Germany, America, Japan, Philippines, Poland, and Russia. Featuring, special guest: Vietnam, who's of course there for Phil.

"Ugh, I'm so glad that I'll be leaving this shithole in a year," America groaned, leaning on Russia's side.

Germany watched with a pained look at the very public display. He still hadn't been told yet of their recent development, but pretty much everyone else in their group knew. America had even spilled the tea to Japan already, but Russia absolutely insisted on holding out on Germany.

America and Russia never outright said they were dating, but they did drop some very big hints, leaving Germany to pick up every breadcrumb like some starved child. When Germany was around, they acted like they were dating, but never anything to actually prove it. They'd tease and bicker like some old married couple, but no kissing or blatant affection. It was terribly amusing watching the country squirm in agony at their display.

Japan giggled from where she sat, between Poland and Germany. Russia snickered and leaned a little against America as well, looking thoughtful.

"Oh yes, however did you survive so long in this place? Surely, you would've died from the all knowledge overloading your brain?"

"Hey, I'm not that dumb," America said, "And don't call me 'Shirley,'" he winked as another old movie reference went over his friends' heads.

Russia looked perplexed, "w-wha--"

"Don't worry about it, babe," America said with a wink.

That shut Russia down, and he looked away, looking both mildly confused and bashful.


Everyone within earshot stopped to look in the direction of the loud, angry German shout.

America and Russia looked up at Germany with wide eyes. South Korea and his sister had shown up by now, as did Canada. North Korea looked on with a scowl, but showing mild interest in this event.

America gave Germany a small, slanted smile, looking sincere.

"Oh Germany, if that's what you want, sure!"



America grabbed the collar of Russia's shirt and pulled him down to kiss his him firmly on the lips. Just as quickly, were Russia's arms around America, holding him close and returning the kiss just as fervently.

North gave some weird look, as though she'd smelled something displeasing, while Japan whooped and cheered things like, "you go girl!"
Poland gave a smug smile and snickered, directed at Germany. Oh, how it pleased him to know something before others(Poland had been the third to know, since his keen sense of observation on people's character was second to none). Canada smiled for his brother, but looked otherwise tired of America's dramatic display. Philippines chuckled and Vietnam just basked in the lively atmosphere. South Korea gave off a bit of nervous and uncomfortable giggling.

And Germany's. Jaw. Dropped.

"Wup! Times up you two, there's a teacher!" Vietnam exclaimed.

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