Dude, This Shit Crazy

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For the past few days, Poland was off his rocker paranoid. Everywhere he looked, he swore he saw the tell-tale white and red stipes of America's. If not him, then he might see Japan's cat ears.

That wasn't the craziest thing, though.

The craziest thing was, for some reason,  everyone had decided to wear cat ears to school one day. Specifically white ones. He couldn't tell most of them apart. Even some teachers wore them!

He crossed paths with the MalPhilIndo trio, who told him to check his social media. Sure enough, Japan had posted a fake calendar alert, saying it was "Cat-Ear Day" at school. Not sure why anyone believed her, but he supposed Japan had her ways. This was obviously cover for their game. 

Russia on the other hand, had been having a hard time aquiring his new target. That, mixed with the fact that Canada had been surprisingly diligent in his attacks, was starting to throw him off his game.
Russia hardly ever saw America at this point. He couldn't ever catch him at home. He never knew where America liked to hang out the most. In school, he only ever saw him in auto shop; that is, if he didn't skip. On the rare occasion he did show, he sat somewhere far away from the Russian, keeping an eye on him and avoiding every shot the Russian dared to take(even under Ms. Lynn's watchful eyes).

He even started stalking America's social media to see where the bastard was. He posted pretty often, but Russia was never able to catch him where he was supposed to be. Almost like America was just stringing him along, knowing he'd be taking this kind of route to find the elusive American. 

Canada was having a fairly easy time. Japan wasn't really as good at hunting as she was at avoiding people. So Canada didn't have to worry about dodging her much. Right now, he could focus on shooting Russia.

He started out small, which meant simply appearing in Russia line of sight whenever he go the chance. This made Russia on edge, knowing the Canadian could actually try to strike. Then, he'd appear closer, this time going for his gun to look like he would attack. Of course, he'd let the Russian think he'd scaped, but a few fast draws let him know he always just toying with him. That would give him just a taste of what Canada was capable of.

Now that Russia knew just what Canada could do, he started actually pursuing him. This time, the appearances were more frequent. More threatening. Most of the time, Canada'd just place his hand over his pocket and smirk, as if letting him know he could shoot him at any time. This type of mind game tortured Russia. Pinned him between getting caught and finding his own target.,

America was just having the time of his life. So far, his efforts in attracting the Russian to his location, only to disappear right after, were working great. Sometimes, he'd stay to watch the tall country grow frustrated with him having missed the American, and sometimes he'd simply leave so there'd be no chance of Russia ever actually finding him. 

Alongside that, he'd started messaging Russia a lot. They'd talk through whatever came to mind. Usually, it was just America taunting Russia for not having found him. There were rare moments that he and Russia actually had simple and thoughtful conversations though. Those, America preferred. It was nice to finally be able to have civil conversations with him, even if it is online.

Germany. Germany plotted. He'd noticed how well America and Russia had gotten along, especially at his house the other day. He'd also noticed that America and Japan, while extremely good friends, we're not really the couple-ly type. At least, not with each other. He'd gotten South Korea to confide in him about his feelings for Japan, but it was only to confirm that which he already knew. That night, when America had them choose names out of the hat, it had been pure chance that he'd gotten America. He figured that he'd work his way up to getting either Russia or America as his target, and let himself be "assassinated" by the other, thus forcing one to pursue the other. It had been even more exciting when he glanced at Russia's paper and realized he was his target! The cards couldn't have been more in his favor!

And naturally, since America was now Russia's target, it had become plain that the two had become more involved in each other's lives. He knew of America's habit of taunting people, which meant that he'd definitely reach out to Russia himself. Of course, Russia was competitive, more so than America, and would do anything to try and find him. He'd take any bait America laid out for him, and they'd have to talk to each other.

Germany's plan was almost flawless. What he could tell from his chats with both parties, they had started talking over the phone. Mostly good conversations too, despite the fact that they'd also been mostly with America teasing Russia.

And, the cherry on the pie was, due to the paranoia withheld in their group now, Japan had started hanging more around South Korea. Although, according to Canada, they'd already had something brewing between them during that night at his place. Still, this gave them the perfect reason to just be in each other's company more.

Ah yes, this whole thing was coming along nicely.

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