Chapter 2

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After following the map that mum gave me, I finally arrived at my school and it took me only less than ten minutes. The San Diego State University looks way older than most universities I see back in Oxford. From where I am standing, which is in front of the school, I see no windows just a tall, glass rotating doors. If it weren't for the modern door, this school would've look like a miniature castle. The school is brick-walled and there's a huge wall clock at the very top that reminds me of the Big Ben. I see few students are at the curb probably waiting for their friends and some are hanging out near the tree. I see about four trees here in front of the school but no signs of other plants. Funny that I thought about that. I start to follow students who are going inside the school. I was about to climb the short flight of stairs leading to the hall when somebody shouted my name.

"Hey! New kid!"

I stopped abruptly and turned. I didn't see anybody. Not that I'm assuming that it's me who he's calling but I am a new kid after all. When I continued on, somebody touched my shoulders.

"Hey I was calling you. By the way, nice to meet you. I'm Henry. I came from Detroit." His eyes look so eager, like a child's. He has a warm brown skin and his curly air is tamed by a ponytail.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I ask and still wondering why he called me. "I seriously think you mistook me from someone else."

"Cool, a British kid." I raise an eyebrow. "So, where are you going?"

Okay, first day in school and it's already getting weird. "Why is that any of your concern?" That might not be a little nice. He might be bonkers but he sounded really nice. It's like he knows me for a long time.

He shrugs. "Just thought I could hang out with a newbie like myself." He shows a bright smile.

I am a little not nice to him but he remained kind. I should cut it out. "My name is Drew, Originally from Oxford, England." I offer my hand.

He shakes it. "I'm Henry. Originally from Zimbabwe then my parents moved to Detroit. I am currently living in a small apartment near the school. I might invite you over for some video games and snacks. What'd you say?" He pulls off his eager face once again.

"Are you sure you didn't mistook me for someone? Because all of the sudden you're inviting me to you house."

He looked around. "Nope. You're the one. It will be cool and there'll be food."

As if I'll be attracted to it, but what the hell. "Yeah, sure. Nice to meet you."

"You too."

We went inside the school and the first we saw is the large tarpaulin that says that all freshmen should head to the guidance office for their schedule on the second floor. The nice lady gave us a long paper and we proceeded and do what is told. Our locker number is on the list too. My locker is near Henry's. I set my new lock combination and fixed my books and other school supplies. I pasted a picture of the Tower Bridge in London to remind me of home. I am still busy organizing my stuff when someone catches my eye.

No, she is not the girl in my dreams. She's real and very different.

She looks busy fixing her own stuff that she did not notice me starring at her. The girl has her own beautiful features that are hard to describe. Her skin is porcelain so you can really notice her rosy cheeks and her pinkish lips. Her hair has these soft curls and long that it almost reaches her waist. The simple blue V-neck and jeans brings out her natural beauty. I enjoyed every minute looking at her. I have no idea why she stands out from the other girls.

That moment was destroyed when Henry nudged me.

"Hey, when do you think you could come over to my house?" Henry asks. I look away quickly.

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