Chapter 14

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I spent my whole Saturday night locked in my room. I still don't understand how Anastacia can do such thing? The worst part is, mum doesn't know that her own older sister is capable of doing that to her. But why?

Your mom is Ana's little sister.....

Bryan said it so casually, but those words hurt like as if someone punched my chest. What did mum that made Ana do that? I knew now that Ana is capable of. What about Dean? Just one of Ana's partners in crime? What is he capable of?

I promised not to keep promises from mum, but this is too much. My poor mum suffered already because of Althea and now her sister turned against her. Surely mum could not contain herself and will call the policemen. I have a feeling Bryan is being watched as well by Ana and Dean, the way he glances around when he's not talking and how careful he is not to share too much. Is Ana hiring spies now? After a long shower, I phoned Henry and asked him if we can play basketball tomorrow at five. He said okay and hanged up. I figured, I will be dealing with Althea, mum, Deanna, and Bryan this week, why not give myself a break tomorrow?

. . . . . .

"It's not much. There's a hoop with no net and we have a ball so it's fine." Henry said while we're nearing the almost decrepit basketball court just behind Henry's flat. The court is poorly guarded by rusted wired fence around its perimeter. I wore my old jersey short and a white shirt while Henry wore the school's jersey.

"It looks good to me." I brought my black special black basketball. The one I bought when mum and I were in Birmingham. "How are you, by the way? Hope I didn't bother you."

He shrugged. "Nah, it's cool. I'm still convincing my mom if I can visit my big bro." We dropped our duffel on the ground. He grabbed my ball and ran trying to get three points.

"I wish you all the best, my friend." I roved around Henry attempting to steal the ball.

Henry shoots the ball and got his three points. "What about you, Drew. How's your week going? With all those dreams, Deanna and Andrea or Althea?"

It suddenly came into my mind that Henry already knows about Althea. Thanks to Bryan's premonitions about the spies, I felt conscious telling Henry all about it here out in the open. I steal the ball, bounce, and then shoot. "Andrea is doing well. She acts like a big sister to me. Not that I'm complaining."

"Right." He nods. "What about Lorrie?" That made stop on my tracks which gave him a chance to steal the ball. Oh yeah, I haven't told him about Deanna yet.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked.

So I told him. Of course I told him never to speak of this when Deanna is around. I told him how Corrie gave me the password when we met at the park, the letter I read from Deanna's parents suddenly feeling bad all over again, and my conversation with Noelle. Henry's eyes widened on that part.

"Why didn't you tell me she knows Latin? I would've asked her to teach me."

I shake my head and laughed. "I'm sorry, geez. Can we stick to problem first, then I'll help you."

"Okay." He looks down for a down for a second before blocking me. "I'm sorry, dude. I'm mean about Lorrie."

I shrug. "It's not like I can do something about it."

He scoffed. "I think you should watch more romantic movies, bro." He went to his bag and grabbed his Gatorade.


"Look at those guys. They know it is true love, so they fight for it. It's cheezy, I know, but they seem to have a happy ending."

"Not for Lorrie. It's obvious that modeling is her passion. Noelle even mentioned that Deanna wanted that career for years. Those so called 'romantic guys' you're saying are selfish blokes." My voice raised. I can feel the heat rushing to my ears. I am mad. Mad at the truth that not everything is falling into place.

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