Chapter 25

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Three weeks later......

I feel way better, and so is Althea. The doctors said that our bodies responded well to the medications but we still need to drink some more antibiotics for few more weeks to continually cleanse our body. You can very well see the huge relief in my mum's face but the pain still lingers. Like there is something I can do about. All she needs to do first to become happy once again is to forgive herself and forgive others.

I visited Althea a few days ago and let me tell you, it's like she's never been hurt. In fact she was flirting, or I think she was flirting with the nurse who gave her a check-up every day. His name is Frank. He visited me sometimes too. Why don't I get to have a female nurse? Anyway, aside from the still purple bruises and few minor cuts, Althea is active and talkative again. We talk and talk about everything. We even talk about our "adventures" at Dean's house like it was no big deal at all. I brought up the subject anyways and Althea is pretty okay about it.

"Yeah, I kicked his gut so he punched me unconscious." Althea is losing her British accent for living in America for a long time. I kind of feel like I have an American sister but I don't feel so American at all. "He gave us what he gave to Corrie you know. That drug thing so where all woozy and shit. Let me tell you, my head like exploded." She sounds like she's telling a story form a comic book.

I laughed. "That is true, my brain did explode. You seem rather amazed by it." I smirked.

She scoffed. "Yeah." She breathed. "It all seems cool to me right now, but I was terrified. I almost pissed myself, you know? Shaking so badly you would think I was electrocuted or possessed or something. But you know what, little brother? I just think all of it was just a story from a superhero comic. And I choose to be happy, because well, my hero of a brother saved me and I survived. You and this thing called life gave me another chance to live. I wouldn't waste it being scared or haunted by what happened to me. I live to tell the story." She looked at me in awe. "And so do you, brother. After all these years, I never thought the only person who could save me, is my own brother. Now what could be better than that, huh?"

I actually cried hard. I am sobbing and feel my snot running down my shirt. I feel Althea's warm embrace and I embrace her harder.

. . . . . . .

Deanna visited me two days ago and I have never been so happy. She brought flowers and the pizza we had on our date before. I sat on the edge of my bed ready to welcome her and she beamed when she saw me. She put everything on my table and kissed me, nice and slow.

"Good morning to you, too. You look ravishing." I whispered.

She touched her forehead to mine. "You don't look bad yourself. How are you feeling, love?"

"Never better. And you?"

She sat beside me. "Likewise. I visited Althea, too. I am so glad she is back to old self."

I laugh. "I know." I hold her hand dearly. "You always visit me, Deanna. Not that I'm complaining. But what pleasure do I owe you for this wonderful visit this time." I kiss her softly. I will never have enough of those lips.

"My parents want to see you."

She doesn't frown and she isn't smiling either. Crap. "Oh, god. Yes, yes, I am ready to explain to them everything. Jesus, should I be ready for bad news?" I stand and pace around. Is this the part when Deanna tells me that her parents convinced her that she is better off without me? I am not ready for this. Why should it be in this goddamned hospital?

"Love, please relax. They heard what happened to you and they want to see you to know that you're really okay. They told me to invite for dinner when you're available. No big deal."

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