Chapter 13

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I open my eyes and see myself standing in the lobby of an airport. At the back, there are six blue tinted windows and a white door on the corner. Beside me on the left, there are five rows of chairs and five people are seated on the chairs with their suitcases beside them. On the middle row, I notice a man with huge belly and scruffy beard and his eyes are fixed at me. He seems irritated at me. What makes him scary is that his white shirt is covered with something red which I hope it's just ketchup. I don't know what to do but stare back at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Do you mind?" He said a little loud I squinted.

I wonder what he expects me to do. Pull out a wad of cash out of my pockets? Suddenly bright lights flashed from behind and I think are hundreds of people talking all at once blasted I feel like my ears are going to pop. I was so startled I almost covered my head with hands. I turned my head slowly and it's.......

A huge television.

I am blocking the man's view.

He smirked. "You better go out there, buddy." He points at the door. His accent is American. "Your girlfriend's out there."

Why does he know Deanna? Is he related to her or something? Maybe this bloke is drunk or mistaking me for someone. I couldn't tell. Still I bolted out the door and a sea of people greets me. Families over there, businessmen and women with briefcase over here and photographers everywhere. Wait, photographers? All of them are wearing the same black suit and tie and huge camera dangling on their necks. They are all scurrying to the other side of the airport where a pristine red carpet and huge spotlights had been set up. Tons of guards wearing black suit and tie as well but the aviator shades and their earpiece separates them form the photographers. The guards are doing their best to push back photographers that are going beyond the red line. Maybe there's a celebrity coming. Who could it be?

"Lorraine! Lorraine!" The people started chanting.

Photographers started taking pictures and their flash makes me see black spots around my eyes. The guards are starting to order commands to the naughty fans who try their best to go beyond the line and hopefully touch the celebrity.

What a coincidence. I don't know any celebrity who has the same name as Deanna. I don't what the hell I'm doing here, but I also want to see the celebrity. She might be as beautiful as her name. I brashly pushed myself through the crowd of photographer. They gave a dirty look and continued taking pictures. My motion is blurry, as if I'm sleep-walking. I don't know how, but I ended up in front where I can see the celebrity clearly. I wasn't trying to break the rules so the guards didn't push me or something.

Then I see her.

Her is hair is longer, shinier, and is curled in the most pristine way. Her high cheekbones are rosy and her lips are red as blood. Her eyeliners are done as if it also demands attention. She looks absolutely flawless with her black grown that flows all the way to the floor. It doesn't have any sleeves so the dress is hanging on her breasts. She looks older and mature.

And she's..................Deanna.

How did she end up like that? I've never seen her with make-up. The last time I remember, Henry, Deanna, and I were sitting down, laughing our guts up when Henry screamed like a girl. We are all together. A blonde photographer who's wearing a blue dress with too much jewelry on her neck and wrists went to the middle with a microphone and camera crew on her back. Deanna stopped beside her and they kissed each other on the cheek. Deanna is so close, it took all my guts not to step out and kiss her.

"So Miss Lorraine," the interviewer started, "How is the runway show in Europe? Did you have fun at the after party?"

"It was such a huge success. The after party was delightful. It was a fun night." She still sounds like her old self. "Good thing no one stopped me from following my dream." What?

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