Chapter 11

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 "I knew that was coming." Henry sighed. I just told them what happened.

Today is Friday night and Deanna and I decided to hang out with Henry. We were sitting down on Henry's plush carpet at his apartment. Deanna brought her The Ring movie while I bought three packs of popcorn and Henry popped it in his microwave. I pulled his couch so we can lean on it and watch the scary movie comfortably. Deanna and I kept our distances so Henry wouldn't think that there is something going on between us. I hope eventually there'll be something between her and I but now is not the time to think about that. I just found out a while ago that Deanna loves scary movies and she has her own drawer chuck full of them. It turns out that Deanna watched The Ring five times and she was watching it like it was a normal movie while enjoying her popcorn. Henry saw it once but he and I watched the entire movie with hands on our faces and trying to bite back our scream. Both of us can't stop shivering. I look at Deanna and she's covering her smile with her hand. Henry caught her chuckling at us.

"Very funny, Lorrie." Like Henry, I also call her Lorrie whenever someone's around. I don't know, calling her by her first name seems special to me and I don't want anybody to call he like that just yet.

Deanna couldn't stop laughing. "Okay, okay. I'll stop. I'm sorry." She said unapologetically.

Henry shakes and at that moment when he turns his head on the t.v., a monstrous face appeared and Henry screamed like little lass. A monstrous face that was enough to keep me awake and send me nightmares if I ever fell asleep, but Deanna and I ended up laughing loudly than we mean to until we were sprawled on the carpet. We are still holding our stomach and Henry is rubbing his face until his cheeks are red.

"That was horrible!" Henry cried.

When the credits are finally rolling in, Henry is the one who is sprawled on the carpet, Deanna is seated on the couch and I was seated on a small stool. Deanna kindly asked me what happened between me and Andrea in the coffee shop. Without hesitation, I told everything Andrea said and what my responses are. No one interrupted and no one asked questions. Henry kept his eyes on the ceiling and Deanna was looking at nothing but I know she is listening intently. I was stunned at Henry's remark.

"You had a coma?" Deanna asked softly.

"Apparently, I did." I show them my scar. I don't remember showing them my scar. I didn't know if they noticed it or simply didn't want to ask me about it.

"Oh man, I noticed that scar before but I forgot to ask you about it." Henry came closer to look at it. "Does it still hurt?"

"When I stay to long in the sun, yes, or if sweat stays to long on it."

"What came to your mind when we saw her that day in the park?" She asked me. I can't believe Deanna still remembered that episode.

"I don't know. What I do know is that I got freaked out because I thought she is the girl I saw on my dream."

"Wait, what? What dream?" Henry asked.

"I was going to tell you." I told the same thing I told Deanna. As I go on, Henry made a face as is my story is the most unusual thing he ever heard. I appreciate that he was letting me finish first before he burst with questions.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked.

"Come on, mate, it's only a dream, nothing special about it. It all became weird when I saw Andrea in the park that day." I swear to god I will lose it if I see that old lady too.

"But really Drew, now that you know, what are you going to do next." Deanna asked ignoring Henry.

"I guess," I said slowly, "I guess I will tell mum about her tomorrow. That's a good start and I'll show Andrea the albums I found. I know it's irrelevant, but I just want her to see. I want to tell her that mum still loves her deeply and that she was never forgotten. Well, except me, I suppose."

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