Chapter 3

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It's Friday and my last class ended at 3pm. Henry went home right because he said that he didn't clean his messed up apartment last night. Lorrie waved at me goodbye and joined her friend. When I went home, I'm surprised to see mum at home early. She is at the living room preparing her purse.

"You're early today." Going somewhere?" I kissed mum on the cheek.

"We are going to the mall. I need to buy some groceries, cleaners, curtains, whatever, and then you can pick whatever you like to bring to Henry's house tomorrow."

"Thank you"

My first week of school is just like any other first week of school for college students: Less work and more redundant introduction of your name. We, however, started two lessons of Calculus because the teacher said that there are lots to do so I did my first homework yesterday. This has been a great week between Lorrie and I. I felt closer to her best friend, Noelle, and her other friends. I found out that Lorrie is a painter and joined the art club too. Most of her paintings are displayed at the school gallery which reminds me of Ricky. I said I wanted to see it, but she said that the gallery will not open for another week or two because it is under renovation. Then a while ago before I went out, she gave me her number and agreed to give me a tour around the famous park her at California. Without showing too much enthusiasm, I also gave her my number, said, goodbye, and went home. As for Henry, I finally agreed to go to his house this Saturday. He said we could play video games, which reminded me of Wyatt. It's funny that I feel like my friends in England never left me.

"I'll bring some sodas." I offered.

"That's the spirit." He clapped my shoulders. "Meet you at one?"

I've been telling mum about him too. Mum seems pretty happy with him but she got a little concerned when I told her about his "lifestyle" that night.

"He lives alone?"

"Yes. His apartment is near the school." I said.

"Sweetheart, don't take this the wring way, but why didn't Henry choose a school in Detroit?"

"He said that the course he loved is only in available in our school here. The school dorm is expensive as hell, Henry said. The apartment is much cheaper and he knows how to cook so he'll survive. "I shrug. "His parents send him money to pay for everything."

Mum sighed. "Well I'm glad Henry found then right school. As long as you are safe, then it's fine with me. Maybe you could bring him here in the house sometimes. This house could get lonely sometimes."

I grin. "That's a great idea."

Another weird thing that happened to me this week was when I accidentally bumped to that girl in the corridor. She is pretty, but she could lay off on the makeup. I though too short shirt aren't allowed in the school?

"Oops, sorry 'bout that." I said as I mid-run going to History class. I was in a hurry because Henry texted me that he has something to say.

"It's alright." She's staring at me while fixing her blonde curls. "You're British, aren't yah? Makes you look cuter." She winks flirtatiously at me.

My eyes widened. "I better get to-"

"I'm Brianna Nelson, school's volleyball MVP. Just call me, Bree." She stretches her hand in a way that the man is supposed to kiss the back of her hand. I took it and shook it instead. She failed to hide her surprised and disappointed look.

"I'm Drew, it's a pleasure, and I really need to get to class." I nod and walk past her discreetly before it get too awkward. Is it me or did I just hear Bree say, "he's just shy" to her friends. I entered the room just in time before the professor walked in our classroom. Henry looked bummed and I explained to him my crazy encounter in the hall. Henry didn't like her immediately and Lorrie, who is sitting beside Henry, bristled but remained silent.

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