Chapter 6

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There's nothing more boring than watching your English Literature teacher reading his powerpoint the entire class. Not a single explanation of his own. Well, the entire powerpoint might be his own explanation. Still, it makes my eyes want to drop given the truth that I wasn't able to get enough sleep last night. When I returned to my room last night, I haven't really checked the albums. I felt too tired and scared so I went to read some comic books before I slept. I don't look good when I woke up so I told mum I had trouble falling asleep. I pretend I'm fine because I don't want her to think otherwise.

After I finish my three morning classes, I proceeded in the cafeteria and only Deanna is on our table. No Henry yet.

"Good morning." I greeted Deanna after I got my hamburger and soda. She is eating her burger while reading her pocket book. "Guess Henry extended a little." I say.

Deanna closed her pocket book and acknowledges me as well. "Yeah. We were on the same class a while ago and he arrived late."

"Oh." That is what I manage to say. "I wonder what happened."

"By the way, Drew, are you free after school? I have this calc test tomorrow and I absolutely and desperately need help." She rubs her forehead with her hands and sighed loudly.

Finally, an acceptable reason to stay out of the house and face those albums. "Yeah, of course. Where shall we do it? I was thinking in the library." I couldn't hide my smile.

Deanna gave me puppy eyed which I think is adorable. "How 'bout doing it in my house. If my parents are there, then I can finally introduce you to them." She took a bite from her burger. "It'd be alright. We'll stay in the living room."

"It's seriously fine with your parents?" I raise an eyebrow. "Bringing strangers inside your house?"

"Yes. I've telling them about you, you know? So, no, you're not a stranger to them."

My heart flutters a little. "That's really sweet of you and to your parents I suppose."

I jumped a little when Deanna wrapped her arms around me. I hug her back briefly. "Hey, relax. I will help you until you understand every single problem."

Her smile is quickly replaced with a frown when that volleyball player sat in front of Deanna and me. She doesn't seem to care that she disrupted something. Deanna loosens her grip around me. "Uh, Bree is it?" I ask.

"Yes!" She answers cheerfully and completely ignores Deanna. I won't let her. "Bree, this is Lorrie." I almost said Deanna when I realized that I am the only one who calls her that and I want it to be that way. It is something special for me."

She faces Deanna with scorn. "Hi." She said casually as if there's an old rival between them. "Anyway," Bree faces me again and smiles with those bloody red lips, "we have a competition this coming weekend and it would really mean to me if you come."

"Oh, well, thank you so much but I-"

"But I already bought the tickets." She pouts shows me the two red tickets. "It would be a shame to put them to waste."

I face Deanna and she rolls her eyes. "Bree, I really wanted to go but I don't what my schedule will be on the weekend. But since you generously bought the tickets already, maybe I could pay you back?" I smile and squeeze Deanna's hand under the table.

Bree looks like she was about to say something when someone called her attention. She turns back at the other girl and gestured two with her fingers but the girl said something like they need to go. Bree looks at me again. "It's okay Andrew. Here," she pulls something in front of her shirt which I assume it's wedged inside her bra. I try not to gag. "Text me if you want the ticket and I'll hand them to you pronto." She stands up and winks at me before joining her friends.

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