Chapter 7

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I didn't know teaching calc was easier. Deanna is an excellent student. She is patient and she can understand it right away. I help her remember how the two formulas relate to each other and some handful of complicated problems. I can do this all night if who knows allows it. This is one way of spending time with her.

We got hungry after almost an hour of teaching and learning calculus. It's a good thing that Deanna said that she learned everything she has to learn for her test tomorrow. She went to the kitchen and went back to the living room with a tray with a bowl of frozen grapes with two glass of chocolate milk. We set aside our books and papers and she set puts the tray on top of the coffee table. We grab our glass and I taste the frozen for the first time. The grape has its sorbet texture when you bite it. Frozen grapes and chocolate milk is a brilliant combination.

"This is the best snack I ever tasted." I say while gnawing on the frozen grape.

Deanna laughed. "Freezing the grapes is my dad's idea. I saw it this morning and I tasted it. I told him to keep for me."

Deanna finished the remaining grape. I help her clean their living room while she returned the bowl and glasses in the kitchen. I remove all my things at the coffee table and fix the pillows that we used. When Deanna went out of the kitchen, her dad appeared on her back.

"You guys done with the tutoring?" Her dad kindly asks.

"Yeah, dad. Drew's packing up his things." Deanna replied.

I look at the clock and it's already six thirty. I texted mum telling her not to worry about me because I was through tutoring Deanna at their house and that I am coming home shortly.

"It's getting late. I should get going." I stood up and smiled.

"I hope to see you again." Her dad replies. "Thanks again for helping my daughter."

"No problem. I'm happy to teach her again if she wants." I smile at Deanna and her dad.

Deanna accompanies to their driveway. I took her hand kissed it. A sweet, small gesture of saying thanks mostly because out of all the genius kids in school, she chose me.

"I hope my teaching styles are effective." I laugh a little.

"Very much, thank you." She kissed me on the cheek, not caring if her dad is looking out the window. "Hope you like the snack."

"I love it." I squeeze her hand. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Deanna didn't let go of my hand yet. "Wait."

I held her tightly again. "What is it?"

"I want to meet Andrea tomorrow. It's Andrea, right? She joined the photography organization and she let me see her portfolio and her photos are so incredible, I want to borrow one of her picture and paint it. I didn't get the chance to ask her because my best friend called me."

So Andrea is a photographer. Interesting. "We're not really close that yet, but I'll tell her when I see her. I promise."

Deanna gave me one of her quick hug. "Thank you! Now go, while there's still daylight. I will see you tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am." I walk away and wave. Deanna waves back and goes back inside. I walk home remembering why I feel a little anxious the whole morning. Oh yeah, I haven't cracked open those albums yet. I don't know what the albums' pictures hold. I sprint fast because I can see the park where we Deanna and I had our date. It has lights because of the tall lamps, but I do not see a single person in the park. It looks creepy and abandoned. I keep my pace fast and forward and breathe of relief when I saw our house. I use the key and opened the door. I check the time again and it's six forty five. I went to the kitchen and sat down at the dining table. Mum is still stirring something in the pot.

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