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Being fresh out of a toxic relationship, it took me some time to adjust to being independent. I was learning how to become a woman again and how to take care of myself.

Both of my parents died from drug overdose the night of their anniversary and my brother and I got sent away to separate foster homes. I've been looking for him since I became of age but no foster home seemed to have a trace of him. Caiah was my baby, he meant the world to me even though we didn't have the tightest bond.

Stemming from such brutality as a young kid, I grew up to be very protective of myself and my feelings. The one time I let my guard down I allowed a man to come into my life and strip me away of my worth. Yet I still remained prosperous and determined to make something of myself.

I was a receptionist and a sexy one at that. Guys and maybe even girls hit on me very often whenever they saw me face to face. Some people simply got turned on by the sound of my voice and it kind of creeped me out. Walking into my job I greeted everyone and took my seat at the front desk preparing to boot up my computer.

"Oh Ms. Maraj how refreshing it is to see that beautiful face of yours." Gabrielle spoke as she leaned against the counter top.

Gabrielle was the biggest flirt in the building, it seemed to just come to her naturally.

"I could say the same for you Ms. Union, you look gorgeous and happy this morning." I winked as I gave her a smirk.

I played her game just as well as she did and I'm sure it took her by surprise at times.

"What time is my first appointment today I completely forgot." She sighed taking a sip from her cup.

After I logged into my computer I checked everybody's set up appointments and told her that it would be at eleven which was in thirty minutes so she hurried off to the elevator.

Gabrielle was one of the life skills coaches in our building that did a damn good job. We've witnessed her clients do a complete 360 with their lives sometimes in the span of two-three months.

The front desk phone rang making me quickly reach to grab it. "Thank you for calling Well-being Inc. you are speaking with Onika Maraj, how may I help you?"

"Yes ma'am I was wondering if there was anyway I could reschedule my appointment with Ms. Union for tomorrow morning instead of today?"

I quickly looked up Gabrielle's availability for tomorrow and saw that she was on a tight schedule. "Unfortunately at the moment ma'am she has a full schedule for tomorrow and the next few weeks ahead, it's best if you come today but if not I'm sure she will understand."

"Ok I'll try my best to make it today I'm sorry, my little one got sick but I'll have her mother watch her."

"It is completely understandable and I hope everything works out for you and your babygirl. She's having a fit in the background." I chuckled hearing her little cute cries.

"Yeah and thank you for your patience, you know with all the noise in the background, I'll be up there shortly."

We ended the call and I got back to booking appointments and answering calls. Within thirty minutes or so I was greeted with a very familiar yet unfamiliar face. Since I don't usually work in the main office I don't always recognize Gabrielle's patients.

"Ms. Maraj right?"

I looked up and locked eyes with a goddess, she was gorgeous in more ways than one. She was staring back into my eyes as I stared up at hers and in a matter of seconds I ended the intense stare off by clearing my throat.

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