Chapter 2 - Paul

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Paul McCartney is a handsome young man who lives across the street from the Millers. His family is a lot nicer and less controlling than Larissa's. Sometimes when he tries talking to them, he ends up getting yelled at by Sheila and she sometimes throws things at him.

When Paul was 14, his mother died from breast cancer. That broke his heart into a million pieces since he had a close relationship with her. Paul is now in his early 20's, with a band called The Beatles, and is in a relationship with an actress by the name of Jane Asher. He was happy with her for a little while, but she became clingy and possessive of him. Paul tried everything he could to break up with her, but she won't allow it. Poor Paul is now stuck in an unhappy relationship with her.

So I guess you can say that he and Larissa have something in common. But the difference is that Larissa is engaged and Paul is dating. Of course, they're both unhappy with the partners they have.

From his window, Paul watches the party going on at the Millers. He's then approached by his father, Jim. "Son, what are you doing in here by yourself?" He asked. "Nothing really. I'm just watching the party at the Millers from a distance." Paul said. "I know you want to go there, but you know Sheila, she hates us." Said Jim. "I'm guessing you and her have a bad history?" Asked Paul. Jim nods. "No matter how nice I try to be, Sheila would just yell and call me names." He said.

Jim explains his history with Sheila and how they used to be a couple before he met Mary (Paul's mother). When Jim fell in love with Mary, Sheila saw the two of them together and became very jealous. Eventually she ended things with Jim and held a huge grudge against him ever since.

"Sounds like that woman has issues." Said Paul. "I didn't know that she would get jealous easily." Jim said. "Welcome to my world." Paul said. "What do you mean, Son?" Asked Jim. "Jane gets jealous easily when I interact with other girls. She's not acting like the girl I once fell in love with. Even when I try to break up with her, she'll object." Paul explains to his dad. "Maybe she's not the girl for you." Jim said. "I know right?! I want to be with a girl who isn't Jane. One who's sweet, kind, caring, and not to mention beautiful." Said Paul. Jim pats his son on the back. "I'm sure there are plenty of those kind of girls out there, Son. You just have to keep looking for the right one." He said. "Thanks, Dad." Paul said.

Paul hugs his dad before he exits the room. During his spare time, Paul would strum his guitar and sometimes zone out by looking out the window. He suddenly thought about going to the Millers party. So he quietly exits his house without his dad seeing. When he reaches the Miller household, he walks through the back door instead of the front.

Surprisingly, no one noticed him while he was inside. He decides to stick around for a little while longer before Sheila sees him and has a fit.

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