Chapter 14 - A Visit From Heaven

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Larissa visits Paul's grave again the next day. She sits in front of his tombstone after she finds it. "Hi, honey. I'm back. I also came to tell you that I'm starting to adjust. I'm also making sure I don't spend the rest of my days being sad like you wanted." She said.

A cold wind blows through. Larissa starts to shiver. "It's starting to get cold, Paulie. I wish you were still here to warm me up." She said. She plants another kiss onto Paul's tombstone before standing up. "I'll come back and visit you again tomorrow. In the meantime, I better get home and warm up." She says then. As Larissa makes her way home, a female voice calls out for her.

"Larissa!!! Long time no see!" She said excitedly as she wraps Larissa into a tight hug. "Is that you, Danielle?" Asked Larissa. "Heck yeah! How've you been?" Asked Danielle. "It's been rough, but, I'm adjusting." Larissa said. "Rough? Why?" Danielle asked. "I just came from the cemetery visiting my husband." Larissa said. "Awww, I'm sorry! How long ago did he pass away?" Asked Danielle. "Actually, he was killed. Some maniac came out of nowhere and shot him." Explained Larissa.

Danielle's eyes grow wide and she puts her hands over her mouth. "Oh my gosh! That's horrible! Did this happen recently?" She asked. "Last week, actually. He died in my arms." Larissa said. Danielle puts a comforting hand on Larissa's shoulder. "Must've been hard." She said. "It was. I even gave a eulogy at his funeral two days ago." Said Larissa. Danielle nods slowly. "Would you like me to walk home with you?" She asked. "I'd like that." Larissa said.

The girls walk back to Larissa's house and do some catching up along the way. "So, my mother and I are on better terms." Said Larissa. "Better terms? What do you mean?" Asked Danielle. "Well, after my father died, she was very rude throughout most of my life. She even arranged for me to marry this man named Eric Vaska. I didn't love him." Larissa explained. "Wow! And then what?" Danielle asked.

Larissa continues explaining her story. "I met this man at a party in my house, Paul McCartney. We fell in love with each other, we married in secret, and we ran away together. Until our marriage was destroyed after Paul got shot and died in my arms." She said. "Dang! Did you ever go back to your mother?" Asked Danielle. "Yeah. She learned her lesson after I stood up to her about the way she treated me. And now we're close again." Larissa said.

"Whatever happened to Eric?" Danielle asked. "After he tried to take me back home, he finally understood how much I loved Paul. That was before Paul was murdered." Said Larissa. "I have to say, Larissa, you've been through a lot." Said Danielle.

Once the girls reached Larissa's house, Sheila greets them. "There you are, Larissa, honey!" She said. "Hi, Mother. You remember my friend, Danielle Jackson, don't you?" Larissa said. "I believe I do. It's just been years. How are you doing, Danielle?" Sheila said. "Pretty good. Larissa and I did some catching up on our way here." Danielle said. "Splendid!" Said Sheila. Larissa enters her house and turns back to Danielle. "It was great seeing you again. Let's hang out soon." She said. "Good idea!" Said Danielle. The girls give each other a quick hug before parting ways.

Larissa goes up to her room and gets herself ready for bed. She opens her window to let some fresh air in. After putting on her pajamas, a calm breeze comes through her window and a spiritual figure slowly floats towards her.

"Hello, Larissa." It was Paul. Larissa's eyes grow wide and she smiles real big. "Paul?!" She said excitedly. "Yes, it's me." Said Paul. Larissa throws her arms around Paul and wraps him into a tight hug. After she pulls away, her eyes are filled with tears. "It's so good to see your face again!" She said. "The feeling is mutual, love." Paul said. "You'll never know how much I miss you!" Larissa said as tears fell from her eyes. "I miss you too, darling." Said Paul.

He caresses her face with his spiritual hand and Larissa holds it against her face with a teary smile. After that, they lock eyes and smile. "I met a friend today." Larissa said. "Oh? And who is this friend?" Asked Paul. "Her name is Danielle. She's a friend from my childhood." Said Larissa. "I see." Paul said.

Larissa talks to Spiritual Paul for a few more minutes until it was time to say goodbye. "I must go now, sweetheart." Said Paul. "Wait! Where are you going?!" Larissa said worriedly. "I'm going back to heaven. But I'll be watching over you every day and night until we're together again." Paul said. "But, I don't want you to go!" Said Larissa. "I know, honey. Just keep in mind that I've always loved you. And I still do." Said Paul.

He leans towards Larissa's face and kisses her cheek. She throws her arms around him and kisses his lips. They remain locked in that embrace for a while. They pull away after that. "Goodbye, Larissa. I love you so much." Paul said. "Goodbye, Paul. I love you too, my darling." Larissa said. She watches Paul's spirit float away and disappear.

Larissa climbs into bed and falls right to sleep. She smiles to herself after receiving a visit from her deceased husband. For the first time in a week, she finally has a good night sleep.

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