Chapter 7 - A Promise

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Larissa stands outside taking in the fresh air. Her thoughts are interrupted by screaming inside the hotel. She goes back inside and sees Paul lying in pool of blood.

"Paul, no!" She cried. She grabs Paul's lifeless body and cradles him in her arms. "Wake up, sweetheart! Please, wake up!" Larissa pleaded. She caressed his face and it was cold to the touch. "Come on, Paul! I can't live without you!" She begged.

There was no response. Paul was dead. Larissa starts to cry into his shoulder. She's then approached by a figure with a gun in her hand. "Mother?!" She yelled. "That's right, you insolent little girl!" Sheila said. "I can't believe you killed him! How could you do this?! I love him!!!" Cried Larissa. "He took you away from the man you were SUPPOSED to marry!" Said Sheila.

"For the thousandth time, I... DON'T... LOVE... ERIC!!!!!! I LOVE PAUL!!!!!!!!! Why can't you just let me make my own choices and treat me like EVERY mother should treat her child?!?!" Larissa screamed. "How dare you speak to your mother like that?! You're coming home with me right now!" Screamed Sheila.

She grabs Larissa by her arm and drags her away from Paul's deceased body. "NO!!! PAUL, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!" Larissa yelled.

Larissa jolts awake with her breathing out of control. Paul wakes up beside her. "Larissa, honey, what's wrong?!" He asked. Larissa didn't answer right away because she was still breathing very heavily. "Darling, look at me and tell me what happened." Paul said. "I... I... I had the worst nightmare ever!" Said Larissa.

Paul wraps his arms around her. "What did you dream, love?" He asked. "My mother found out about my marriage to you, she even found where we were living, and worst of all, she killed you!" Larissa said. She started to cry afterwards. "There, there, darling. Keep in mind that it was only a dream. Your mother will never find out about your marriage to me. I'm sure of it." Said Paul.

Larissa smiles and kisses Paul on his lips. He returns the embrace. After they pull away, Paul strokes Larissa's hair. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Did I ever tell you that?" He asked. "No. That's so sweet, Paulie. Thank you." Said Larissa with a smile. "You're welcome, my little princess. Are you ready to go back to sleep now?" Paul asked. "I think so. Getting comfort from you really helped." Larissa said. Paul smiles as he and Larissa fall back to sleep with their arms wrapped around each other.

When the sun rose, the couple took a morning stroll so Larissa could clear her head from the nightmare she had. "Larissa, darling, stop." Said Paul. "What's wrong, Paul, sweetheart?" Asked Larissa. They stop walking and Paul cups her face with his hands. "I need you to promise me something." He said. "What is it?" Larissa asked.

"If something were to happen to me, promise me you'll never give up on us." Paul said. "I'll never give up on us, baby! I promise!" Said Larissa. Paul kisses her on her forehead. "Thank you, love! You'll never know how much this means to me!" He said. Larissa caresses Paul's face and strokes his cheek with her thumb. "And you'll never know how much you mean to me!" She said.

The couple continues their walk and return to the hotel afterwards.

Sheila's P.O.V.

Eric spent many days and nights helping Sheila look for Larissa. They even went to the one person that could definitely help them, Father Maxwell. "Ah, Eric Vaska and Sheila Miller! To what do I owe this pleasure?" He said. "Well, my fiancé has run away and I can't find her!" Said Eric. "And his fiancé happens to be my daughter, Larissa Miller!" Said Sheila. "Don't you mean, Larissa McCartney?" Father Maxwell asked.

"WHAT?!?!" Both Sheila and Eric said in shock. "Larissa has married Paul McCartney not too long ago." Said Father Maxwell. "That little brat! Sneaking around behind my back to marry a McCartney!" Sheila said angrily. "What're you gonna do about it, Sheila?" Eric asked. "I'm gonna track her down and punish her for her foolishness!" Said Sheila.

Uh-oh! What's gonna happen if Sheila finds Larissa with Paul? Keep reading to find out! ~ Amanda

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