Chapter 8 - Finding Out

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Sheila's P.O.V.

Sheila, followed by Eric, marches back to her house and grabs a knife and a gun. "You're gonna kill her?!" Eric asks in shock. "No! I'm gonna kill that spineless husband of hers! She just won't accept the fact that she was supposed to marry you!" Sheila said.

"But she obviously doesn't love me!" Said Eric. "Well it's high time that she learns how to love the man I picked out for her to marry!" Said Sheila. She hands Eric the knife while she carries the gun as they set out to find Larissa and break up her marriage with Paul.

Larissa's P.O.V.

Larissa chats with the other Beatles while Paul is outside having a smoke. "So, Paul told us you had a nightmare earlier this morning." Said John. "I did. I dreamt that my mother found out about my marriage to Paul and killed him. She then drags me away from here and takes me back to the man I was supposed to marry." Explained Larissa. "Eric?" Asked Ringo. "Yep! I keep telling her that I don't love him. But she obviously doesn't care." Larissa said. "Sometimes I wish that arranged marriages never existed." Said George. "I know right, George?!" Said Larissa.

Paul comes back inside a few minutes later. "Did I miss anything while I was outside?" He asked. "Not really. I was telling the others about the nightmare I had." Larissa said. Paul nods at her words. "Oh, by the way, John and I wrote a song for you." He said. "Even though he's the only one singing, I helped out with the lyrics." John said. "I sure would like to hear it!" Said Larissa. The boys grab their instruments and play the music while Paul sings.

I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her too
I love her

She gives me everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her

A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

After they finished, Larissa claps as her eyes are filled with happy tears. "Beautiful, beautiful song! Great job, boys!" She said. She hugs each of The Beatles one at a time. When she gets to Paul, she kisses him on his lips. "I love you so much!" She said. "I love you too." Said Paul.

The sound of banging on the door occurs. "I wonder who that could be." John wondered. "I have a bad feeling about this. You boys better hide." Larissa said. The Beatles all hide in the same room while Larissa answers the door. When she opens it, her eyes grow wide. "Eric?!" She exclaimed. "Hello, Larissa." Eric said. "How in the world did you know where to find me?!?!" Larissa asked in shock. "Easy. Father Maxwell told me and your mother about your marriage to Paul McCartney!" Said Eric.

Anger and rage fill up inside of Larissa as she punches Eric in the stomach. Causing him to hit the ground. "How many times do I have to tell you that I don't love you?!" Larissa asked angrily. Eric gets up and dusts himself off. "I wish I didn't lose count, but you've told me one too many times! And right now, I'm taking you straight to your mother!" Eric said. "No you're not! My heart belongs to Paul and I love him! There's absolutely nothing you can do to break us up!" Said Larissa.

Eric pulls out his knife. "I think I might be able to change that." He said. Paul hears the commotion and immediately charges to save Larissa. Before Eric could use the knife, Paul grabs his hand and snatches the knife from him. "Get away from my wife!" He said. "Your wife?! She's supposed to be my wife! How dare you take her from me?!" Yelled Eric. "Did it ever occur to you that she wants nothing to do with you?" Paul asked. "It did. But I'm not letting her off that easily this time!" Said Eric.

Paul points the knife at Eric as he puts his arms up. "Okay, okay, fine! You win! She's all yours!" He said. "Are you kidding me right now?!" Paul said frustratingly. "I mean it! If you really love her, then keep her! I'll find my own woman to spend the rest of my life with!" Said Eric. "If you must know, I do love her! Larissa is the best thing that's ever happened to me! And I'm not going to let anybody take her away from me!" Said Paul. "Understood! I'll be leaving now!" Eric said. He takes the knife back from Paul and rushes off. Paul walks over to Larissa who's looking white as a sheet.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Asked Paul. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Paul." Said Larissa. "You're welcome. I was so afraid that he was going to kill you!" Paul said. "Me too! But you were so brave, sweetheart! I never knew you had it in you!" Larissa said. "I obviously couldn't just stay inside and watch my wife get killed! Did you know how terrified I was when I saw him pull that knife out?" Asked Paul as his voice cracked. "I felt it in my bones as I thought to myself, "What is Paul thinking right now?" I thought for sure I was done for!" Said Larissa. "Well, it's a good thing I saved you. If anyone tries to hurt you again, I'll do whatever it takes to protect you!" Said Paul. He wraps Larissa into a hug and they remain locked in that embrace for quite some time.

Eric's P.O.V.

Eric rushes back to Sheila as she searches in another area to find Larissa. "I found her, but, she obviously wants to stay with him." Eric said. "So, you just let her stay with that monster?!" Sheila asked angrily. "Pretty much. Now I'm gonna find a woman who will love and marry me!" Said Eric. "You idiot! I can't believe you did that!" Yelled Sheila. She points her gun at Eric and shoots him. He falls to the ground and dies.

"That's for being such a fool and letting your own fiancé get away with another man!" Sheila screamed. "If you want something done right, do it yourself." She muttered under her breath. Now she's going to try to break up Larissa's marriage to Paul the hard way.

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