Chapter 6 - Safe At Last

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Larissa wakes up the next morning with Paul's arms wrapped around her. He's still sound asleep. Larissa plants a kiss on Paul's cheek and his eyes flutter open. "Good morning, sleepyhead." Said Larissa. "You seem happy this morning." Said Paul. "That's because I'm with you. You make me so much happier than Eric ever did. Heck, he never made me happy, even if he tried." Larissa said.

Paul smiles and kisses Larissa on her forehead. "So, have you officially taken your mind off of your folks at home?" He asked. "I have. It's about time I focus on those who care about me." Said Larissa. "That's my girl." Paul said. He wraps Larissa into a hug.

Throughout most of the day, Larissa spends time with all four Beatles. "So, Larissa, would you mind sharing how you and Paul met?" Asked John. "Gladly." Larissa said. "My mother threw a party in my house. She yelled at me for ignoring Eric throughout most of the time." She explained. "Sorry to interrupt, but, who's Eric?" Asked George. "Was he the one your mother was forcing you to marry?" Asked Ringo. "First off, Eric is my fiancé. Second, yes he was. But I obviously don't love him." Larissa said.

"Please, continue, sweetheart." Said Paul. "Where was I? Oh, yes! After minutes of crying, I decided to go back to the party. I scanned all the people in the room until my eyes fell on Paul. His eyes locked with mine and sparks were flying. I knew right then that he was the most handsome man I've ever seen. I fell in love with him." Said Larissa as she explained her story. "So after you told Paul about your controlling mother and your fiancé, whom you don't love, he asked you to marry him?" John asked. "Precisely, John. There was no way I was gonna spend the rest of my life in misery!" Larissa said.

"That's where the question comes in, what will happen if your mother finds out about your marriage to Paul?" George asked. "I haven't thought about that." Said Larissa. "I fear she might try to kill him!" Ringo said. Everyone gasps. "You had me there, Ringo!" Said John. "This is why Larissa and I got married in secret so neither her mother or Eric will find out." Paul said.

"Yes. Because if any of them try to lay a finger on Paul, I'll do whatever it takes to protect him!" Larissa said. "Wow, Larissa! You're so brave!" Said George. "Thanks. Besides, I love Paul and I'd do anything to keep my marriage to him safe. But I'll never forgive myself if someone was to go out of their way and try to hurt him." Said Larissa. "As long as he has us, and you, then everything should be fine." Said Ringo.

The sun goes down a few hours later. Larissa and Paul stand outside on the balcony. "You know, Paul, ever since I became a McCartney, I've felt a lot happier than I've ever been as a Miller." Larissa said. "Really?" Asked Paul. "Really, really." Said Larissa. She wraps her arm around Paul's waist and leans on his shoulder. "Paul?" She said. "Yes, darling?" Paul answered. "What do you think my mother is thinking right now?" Larissa asked. "Something tells me she might be looking for you. But I know you don't want to face her ever again." Said Paul.

"No way! After the way she treated me, I'm never talking to her again!" Said Larissa. Paul nods. "As long as we have each other, nothing will break us apart." He said. He pulls Larissa in for a kiss and they remain in that embrace for the next twenty minutes until they call it a night and go to bed.

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