Chapter 10 - Paul Dies

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Larissa watches her mother leave. After she's out of sight, she turns around and sees Paul on the ground. "No!" She yelled. She rushes over to Paul, drops to her knees, and cradles him in her arms. Paul looks at her and gives a weak smile.

"I'm so sorry, Paul! This is all my fault!" Said Larissa as her voice cracked. "No, darling. It's not your fault. Don't... don't blame yourself." Paul said while breathing as steady as he can. He reaches up and Larissa clutches his cold hand. "You were very... very brave, love. I'm proud of you." He said. "Thank you, honey. But I should probably go get help." Said Larissa.

Before she could go anywhere, Paul grabs her hand. "No! Stay with me... please! I need you!" Paul said. Tears fall from his eyes. The same thing happens with Larissa. She looks at Paul's bloodstained shirt and begins to sob. "It looks bad, Paulie." She sniffed. "I know, honey. And the worst part is... I'm dying." Said Paul.

"What?! Paul, no! Don't leave me!!" Larissa cried. Paul puts his finger on her lips. "I'll be with you. But from... in here." He said as he points to Larissa's chest. "But, I don't want you to die! I won't be able to live without you!" Said Larissa through her tears as they continue to fall. "Larissa, darling, please don't cry." Paul said as he caresses her face. More tears fall from his eyes. "I can't help it, Paul! I love you! You're the only man I ever loved! I'll never stop loving you!" Said Larissa.

"I love you too, my angel. And... I'll never stop loving you either." Said Paul. Larissa tries to smile, but the sadness takes over her. "Is there anything I can do for you, sweetheart?" She asked. "Yes. There are... two things you can do for me." Paul said. "What's the first thing?" Asked Larissa. "Kiss me one last time." Said Paul.

Those words shattered Larissa's heart to pieces. She leans in and shares one last kiss with her dying husband. After she pulls away, her tears continue to fall down like a waterfall. "Now what?" She asked. Paul reaches into his pocket and takes out a folded piece of paper. "Take this." He said as he hands the paper to Larissa. "What's this?" She asked. "I wrote you... a poem. Please read it." Said Paul.

Larissa unfolds the paper with her free hand. She reads the poem out loud so Paul can hear her.

My angel, my life, my entire world, please be with me always, my one and only girl.

I love you so deeply, that I know is so true, for there is no one else, my heart beats just for you.

No matter what happens, you're always the one, that I want to come home to, I'm the Earth to your sun.

If I had the words to describe my feelings for you
I would be the happiest man in the universe
But words seem to fail me time and time again
So I have to settle for the words in this verse

Your touch, your smile, your presence and soul
Mesmerize and entangle me completely
If I had but one ambition, one utter goal
It would be to stay by your side for eternity

After Larissa finished reading the poem, she smiles, even though her eyes still have tears in them. "Paul, I love it!" She said. "I want you to keep it. That way... you'll have something... to remember me by." Paul said. He caresses Larissa's face once more. "I love you so much, my beautiful wife." He said. "I love you too, Paul, my handsome husband." Larissa said sadly.

Paul feels his body growing limp. His breathing starts to slow down and his heartbeat is close to stopping. "Larissa, do you remember... when we first laid eyes on each other... and it was love at first sight... for the both of us?" He asked. "How could I forget? It was the best thing that ever happened to me." Larissa said. "Me too." Said Paul. He looks behind Larissa and sees the sun setting. "It's getting late, love. You... you got to go... now." He said.

"I can't leave you." Said Larissa as she hangs her head low. Paul grabs her chin and lifts her head so she's looking at him. "You never will. No matter what happens, I'll always be with you... forever..." He said as he took his last breath and dies in Larissa's arms. He closes his eyes and his breathing stops.

Larissa catches his hand as it fell from her face. She gently puts it down on his chest and away from his wounds. Over and over, she could hear those words echo in her head, "No matter what happens, I'll always be with you... forever." Those were the last words ever to be spoken by James Paul McCartney. Larissa places her ear onto Paul's chest and the sound of his beating heart stopped. Larissa then picks up her head, wraps her arms around Paul's lifeless body, pulls him close to her, and breaks down crying. She was so distraught that she had lost the only man she ever loved.

What a heartbreaking chapter! I know Paul McCartney is still alive in real life, this is just for story purposes. So please, no negative comments. Anyway, how will Larissa go on after losing her husband? Keep reading to find out! ~ Amanda

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