Chapter 9 - Revenge

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Larissa's P.O.V.

Larissa enters the hotel and goes into the bathroom. She splashes some water on her face to forget about the whole episode of the confrontation between her and Eric. After a few minutes, the vision escapes her brain and she forgot all about it. She walks out of the bathroom and sees Paul sitting on the couch. He smiles when he sees her.

"Waiting for me?" Asked Larissa. "Who else would I be waiting for?" Paul said. "Um... your bandmates?" Larissa said. Paul lets out a small laugh. "Come over here and sit with me." He said as he pats the area next to him. Larissa sits down as Paul wraps his arm around her.

"Where are John, George, and Ringo?" Larissa asked. "They're in another level of the hotel. But they'll come up and see us once in a while." Said Paul. "So, they're letting us have this room all to ourselves?" Asked Larissa. "Pretty much. Is something wrong with that?" Paul asked. "Heck no! I was just curious." Larissa said. Paul gently pinched Larissa's cheek. "You're cute when you're curious." He said. "Oh, stop it!" Said Larissa playfully. "I'm serious! I think it's adorable!" Said Paul.

Larissa leans onto his shoulder and smiles. "I'm just glad Eric finally understood that I love you." She said. "I'm glad too, my love. Now nobody will ever try to break us up." Paul said. A frown appears on Larissa's face. "I'm not too sure about that." She said. "What do you mean?" Asked Paul. "If Eric found me here, that would mean my mother is here too!" Larissa said in a panicky tone. Paul turns her face towards him. "Larissa, baby, don't think about her! If she tries to hurt you, I'm going to protect you with all my heart!" He said.

"But, Paul, what if she tries to kill you? That's what I'm afraid of!" Said Larissa. "That won't happen! I'm a strong man!" Said Paul. "Maybe you're right. She wouldn't think about doing that. Would she?" Asked Larissa. "Of course not! Besides, violence is never the answer to anything. So, there's no way she'll try anything to get me away from you." Paul said.

Larissa smiles and wraps her arms around him. "How do you always know what to say?" She asked. "I always do it for my special wife. And as long as we're together, nothing can break us up." Said Paul. He kisses Larissa on her forehead and strokes her hair.

Sheila's P.O.V.

As Sheila continues to search for Larissa, she vowed to get revenge after Eric insisted on letting Larissa stay with Paul. Even after killing Eric herself, she knew that there was one other person that she needed to kill. And that would be Paul!

A young couple exiting a hotel catches her eye. "There you are you little twit!" She said to herself. The next thing she did was hide behind a wall so she could wait for the right time to strike.

Larissa's P.O.V.

As Larissa and Paul go for a walk, they hear a crunch in the ground. "Where did that come from?!" Larissa asked with panic in her voice. "Sounds like it came from over there." Paul said as he points to the left. The two try to ignore the suspicious sounds and continue their stroll.

Suddenly, Sheila jumps out from her hiding place and stands in front of the couple. "Mother! What are you doing doing here?!" Larissa asked. "I'm here to get my revenge! And you, Larissa Miller, are coming home with me as soon as I do my unfinished business!" Sheila said angrily. "I'm Larissa McCartney now! And I'm not going anywhere with you! You're a monster!" Larissa said. "Then you leave me no other choice!" Said Sheila. She points her gun at Larissa and walks towards her.

"I'm about to do something I should've done a long time ago!" Sheila said. Larissa puts her hands up. "Please don't do this, Mother! Violence is never the answer!" She begged. "Oh really? Then why did you get violent with me when I told you to stop avoiding Eric at our party?" Sheila asked. "Because, you always controlled my life! You made my decisions for me, you never complimented me no matter what I wore, you didn't care that I didn't love Eric, and you never cared about me being happy! What kind of a mother does that to her own daughter?!" Larissa said angrily.

"How dare you speak to me this way, you ungrateful, little child?!" Sheila angrily said. "You deserve it after the way you've been treating me all these years! Even after Father died, you still treat me unfairly! If he was still alive today, I'm sure he'd be very disappointed with your actions towards me!" Said Larissa with rage. "That does it! This ends now!" Said Sheila. Her finger is close to pulling the trigger of the gun.

"NO!!!" Paul yelled as he moves the gun away from Larissa. He ended up having the gun pointed at himself instead. Sheila fires three times and the shots hit Paul in his stomach. Larissa watches in horror. Eventually the anger takes control of her and she pushes her mother with powerful force. "You're trying to kill my husband instead?!" She asked angrily. "It was either you or him." Said Sheila. "Then you can kill me too! I'll die with him!" Larissa said. "Very well." Sheila said. She points the gun at Larissa... but no more bullets come out.

"Out of ammo, eh Mother?" Larissa asked with a smirk. "It would appear so." Said Sheila. "Give up! And someday you'll think about the way you treated me and controlled my life!" Said Larissa. Tears fill up Sheila's eyes. "You're right, Larissa! I've been such a horrible mother after your father died! Let me make it up to you! I'll do anything!" She begged. "Get out of here, Mother! And never talk to me again!" Larissa said. "I understand that you feel this way. I hope you can forgive me someday." Said Sheila. She throws the gun away at a faraway distance and walks away with her head hanging low.

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