Chapter 15 - Catching Up

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The next day, Larissa decides to hang out with Danielle so they can catch up some more. They go to a park where they used to play when they were kids. "You're not gonna believe what happened last night!" Said Larissa. "No, what?" Said Danielle. "My deceased husband visited me!" Larissa said excitedly. "You're kidding!" Danielle said. "I'm not! It really happened!" Said Larissa.

Danielle stares with her eyes wide open. "How?" She asked. "I was getting ready for bed and decided to open my window for some air. I felt a calm breeze blow through and saw a spiritual figure floating towards me. And that's when I saw him! My darling husband, Paul!" Larissa explained. "Wow!" Danielle said. "I know right?! I never expected to see him visit me as a ghost!" Said Larissa.

"You must really love him." Said Danielle. "I do. I love him with all my heart. But, now that he's dead, I don't know if I'll ever find love again." Larissa said. Danielle rubs her back. "If you'd like, we can go to the cemetery to visit him." She said. "I'd like that. This time, I'll have a friend with me." Said Larissa.

The girls make their way to the cemetery. Larissa shows Danielle where Paul is buried and locates his tombstone. "This is it." Larissa said. "Wait. Wasn't he a member of The Beatles?" Asked Danielle. "Yes he was. But they kinda disbanded after he died. They didn't wanna continue without him." Said Larissa. "I don't blame them. It must've been hard after that." Danielle said. Larissa bends down towards the tombstone and starts talking.

"Hey, sweetheart. I'm back again. It was so wonderful seeing you visit me from heaven last night! I wish I could relive that moment. Anyway, I hope you and my father are getting along up there. I miss you and him every day. Also, Paul, I want you to know that I'm thinking about you every single day when I wake up and every night before I go to sleep. Words can't describe how much I miss you. It hurts so much to not have you with me anymore. But I know someday we'll be together again. Goodbye, my love. I'll come again tomorrow and pay you another visit." She said.

Larissa stands up and Danielle wraps her into a hug. "That was beautiful, Larissa." She said. "Thank you, Danielle." Said Larissa. "Can I say a few words to him?" Danielle asked. "Sure you can." Larissa said. Danielle bends down towards the tombstone.

"Hi, Paul. My name is Danielle Jackson. I'm a friend of your wife's. We may not have met, but, Larissa has told me a little bit about you. Not only that, I was also sad to hear about your death. I'm giving Larissa the comfort she deserves whenever she thinks about you. You'll be missed, Paul. Rest in peace." She said.

Once Danielle finished her words, she turns her attention back to Larissa. "Very well done, Dani. I choked up when you said I'm getting the comfort I deserve." She said. "Anything for my best friend." Said Danielle. The girls go back to Larissa's house and say their goodbyes. They even give each other hugs. When Larissa enters her house, her mother greets her.

"How was your day out with Danielle?" Sheila asked. "It was great! We hung out at the park and even stopped at the cemetery to visit Paul. Both of us took turns saying a few words." Said Larissa. "That's wonderful, honey." Said Sheila. After a few minutes, Larissa goes up to her room. She lays on her bed staring at the ceiling. "I wonder if Paul's spirit will visit me again tonight." She wondered.

As daylight turned into night, Larissa stared out her window hoping to see if Paul's spirit would come visit her. Minutes pass and he doesn't show up. Larissa walks to her bed and makes herself comfortable. She was unable to fall asleep since she was tossing and turning throughout most of the night.

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