Chapter 5 - Running Away Together

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The two star crossed lovers exit the McCartney household and are greeted by three other men. They're Paul's best friends and band mates, John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. "Paul! We've been lookin' all over for you, mate!" Said John. "Sorry, lads! Please don't be mad!" Said Paul. "Mad?! Are you daft?! We we're actually more worried than mad!" Said George. "Care to explain where you've been?" Asked Ringo.

Paul holds Larissa's hand as he explains the recent events that happened to him. "This woman right here, her name is Larissa, and she happens to be engaged to a man she doesn't love, nor does she want to marry. If I was going to help save her, I had her marry me instead. I did this because I love her." He said. "And my mother is very, VERY mean. She's been this way ever since my father died." Said Larissa.

"I know just how you feel, sweetheart." Paul spoke up. "What do you mean? Your father is super nice!" Larissa said. "Not that! I mean that I have a family member who died too." Said Paul. "Who?" Asked Larissa. "My mum. She died when I was 14 due to breast cancer." Paul said. A sad expression appears on Larissa's face. "Awww! I'm sorry, darling! Do you miss her?" She asked. "Every day." Paul said.

Larissa puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm here for you, my love. Don't be afraid to cry." She said. "Believe me, I'm not." Said Paul. "Anyway, Paul and I are running away together!" Said Larissa. "What?!" The other Beatles said in shock. "It's that way her mother or her fiancé won't find her. But you men can come with us. If there comes a day when I'm out, she'll have you three to keep her safe as well." Paul explained.

The other Beatles look at each other in confusion. Then they look back at Paul and Larissa and nod in agreement. "We're in!" John said. So Larissa and The Beatles pile into a car and drive to the airport. They leave London and make their way to a hotel hours after the plane landed. "Alright, Larissa, love, make yourself at home while I talk to the lads." Said Paul.

Larissa browses through the room while Paul talks to the other Beatles.

Paul's P.O.V.

Paul is in another room talking to his friends. "Did you tell Larissa about Jane?" George asked. "No way! I don't want to risk her getting hurt! Besides, I love Larissa way more than I loved Jane." Paul said. "But what if she finds out about your marriage?" Ringo asked. "She won't!" Said Paul. "Calm down, mate! We just don't want anything happening to you!" Said John.

Larissa's P.O.V.

Larissa lays down on the bed she found and stares up at the ceiling. "I wonder what Mother is thinking right now. Because the last thing I said to her was very mean. But at the same time, she deserved it after the way she's been treating me for years." She says to herself. There's a knock at the door. "Come in!" Larissa said. Paul pokes his head in. "Hi, love. Want some company?" He asked. "Yes please." Said Larissa.

Paul sits next to Larissa and wraps his arm around her. "You're shaking. What's wrong, honey?" He asked. "I'm scared, Paul!" Larissa said. "Why?" Paul asked. "I'm afraid that my mother will find out about my marriage to you. And I fear that Eric will try to kill you." Said Larissa as her voice cracked. "Larissa, my love, please don't think about that. You're safe as long as I'm here." Said Paul. Larissa wraps Paul up into a hug and cries. "Thank you, Paul! Thank you so much!" She said tearfully. Paul rubs her back and comforts her.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll sleep with you every night." He said. "This is exactly what I need!" Larissa said. She looks up at Paul and the two lock eyes. They eventually lean in for a kiss. After they pull away, Paul cups Larissa's face with his hands. "I'll never let anything happen to you. I promise." He said. Larissa, her cheeks still damp from crying, smiles at Paul. "I love you, Paul! I love you more than I ever loved anyone!" She said. "I love you too, Larissa, my darling." Said Paul.

The two hug each other again and remain in that embrace for the rest of the day.

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