Chapter 3 - Larissa And Paul Meet

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After minutes of crying, Larissa decides to go back to the party. She still didn't want Eric coming near her. When she looks at the people around her, she suddenly finds herself locking eyes with the most handsome man she's ever seen. And that man happens to be Paul. The two slowly approach each other.

Larissa reaches up and touches Paul's face. He didn't flinch, nor did he back away. "You're so handsome." Larissa said. Paul couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, love." He said. Larissa could feel her heartbeat pick up.

"I don't even know your name." She said. "It's Paul." Said Paul as he introduced himself. "And what's your name?" He asked. "My name is Larissa." Said Larissa. "What a pretty name for a very pretty girl." Paul said. Larissa couldn't help but blush. Paul reaches up and touches her face. "You're very beautiful, Larissa." He said. "I wish my mother would think so." Said Larissa. "Why would you say that?" Paul asked.

Larissa takes Paul up to her room and closes the door. She even locks it. "My mother is very strict. She doesn't even care about my happiness. All she ever wants to do is make decisions for me. And no matter what I wear, she always says I look ugly." She explains. She begins to cry after telling Paul about her life. "Please don't cry, love. You definitely don't look ugly, you deserve to make your own decisions, and most importantly, you deserve to be happy." Said Paul as he wraps Larissa into a hug.

She suddenly stops crying and makes eye contact with Paul. "Do you really think so?" She asked. Paul nods. He immediately looks at Larissa's lips afterwards. "What?" Larissa asked. Without a word, Paul slowly leans towards her. "Is he about to kiss me?" Larissa wondered to herself. She thought about backing away but doesn't do it. Instead, she leans towards Paul and the two immediately lock lips. Their embrace lasts for a long amount of time. After they pull away, their foreheads touch.

"That was so... romantic." Larissa said with a smile. Paul smiles back at her. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. "Larissa?" It was Eric. "Quick! Hide!" Larissa whispered. "Where?" Paul asked quietly. "In the closet!" Said Larissa while keeping her voice down. Paul quickly rushes into Larissa's closet and keeps quiet.

Larissa unlocks her door and opens it to let Eric in. "What do you want, Eric?" She huffed. "Well, I saw you come up here and I wanted you to come back downstairs. I'm starting to get very lonely without you with me." Eric said. He tries to wrap his arms around Larissa but she backs away. "Eric, please don't touch me!" She said. "But you're my fiancé! I wanna hold you in my arms and give you the kisses you deserve!" Pleaded Eric. He starts to move towards Larissa again. Larissa feels her blood boil and she immediately slaps Eric in the face.

"Eric Vaska, I don't love you and don't wanna marry you! Why can't you get that through your thick head?!" She yelled. Eric clenches his teeth and grabs Larissa by her wrist. "Larissa Miller, your mother wants you to marry me! And if you object one more time, I'm gonna teach you a lesson you'll never forget!" Screamed Eric. Instead of crying, Larissa pushes Eric off of her. "Get out of here, Eric! I don't ever wanna see you again! Not ever!" She said in anger. Eric exits the room. Larissa goes to her closet and lets Paul out.

"Miller?!" He asked in shock. Larissa nods sadly. "And that man was my fiancé, Eric Vaska." She said. "Why are you marrying him?" Paul asked. "My mother is making me." Said Larissa. A tear falls from her eye. Paul wraps his arm around her. "I don't love him, Paul! I can't marry him! But I have no choice!" She cried. "Larissa, I know we just met but..." Paul's voice trails off. "What is it?" Larissa asked. Paul takes a deep breath before speaking. "I'm in love with you!" He blurted out.

"What did you say?" Asked Larissa. "I'm in love with you, Larissa." Paul said. Larissa feels a smile creep onto her face. She wraps Paul into a hug. "I've realized that I'm in love with you too, Paul!" She said. Paul stands up and holds out his hand for Larissa. "Come with me!" He said. "Where are we going?" Larissa asked. "I want you to meet my dad, Jim McCartney." Said Paul.

Larissa's eyes grow wide. "McCartney?!" She asked in shock. "I know, I know. You and I are supposed to be enemies, but..." Paul is suddenly cut off when Larissa puts her finger up to his lips. "Paul, I don't care if we're enemies. I love you. And I wanna be with you." She said. "Then marry me." Paul said. Larissa nods. Instead of walking out the door, the two go out the window. There's a ladder underneath and they climb down it.

Larissa & Paul: A Forbidden Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now